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Year 5 - Hagrid

mail For help, advice and queries, you can email your child's class teacher at and they will assist you as soon as they can. mail

For additional information on what happens in Year 5, please feel free to come and speak to either Miss Bennett, Mrs Tonks or Ms Hickman on the playground :)!

In Hagrid Class we have lots of fun and laughter! On this page you will find our class news and lots of interesting pictures showing you what we have done.


Important information about us!

Teacher: Miss Bennett

LSP: Mrs Tonks and Ms Hickman 


Additional Important Information:

In Year 5, our school day begins at 8:40am and finishes at 3:00pm.

Children can bring a named water bottle which needs to contain only water or squash.

Children can bring a small healthy snack with them to school to eat at break time such as: fruit or raisins. On Tuesdays and Thursdays the children can order a piece of toast as a break time snack for 20p

Your child will also be given a reading book specific to their reading level. We would like the children to read as much as they can at home and record this in their reading record. 


PE Day:

Every Wednesday and Thursday



All weekly homework will be related to the children's learning from the week. This will include English, Maths and Spelling homework. 
All homework will be set on a Friday and should be returned to school by the following Friday.

Each half term, the children will also receive a homework grid of curriculum based activities. They must complete a minimum of three activities from the grid and bring them into school. We are looking forward to seeing your creativity! 


Reading Challenge:

We are holding a reading challenge again this year! Every time you read, write it in your reading record. For every comment, you will earn a point. When you reach 45 points, you will be awarded the Bronze Level; when you reach 90 points, you will be awarded Silver Level and for 135 points, you be awarded Gold Level!
There is also a Platinum level when you read over 50 books! 

Good Luck Hagrid Class! 


Mathletics, Spelling Shed, TTRS and Purple Mash:

Children can access these websites from home. Each child has an individual username and password. Mathletics is an excellent resource which allows children to practise their mathematical skills. Times Table Rock Stars encourages recall of times tables and Spelling Shed will help the children with their weekly spellings!


Our School Council Members:


Our School Council representatives are Rama and Noha.


Our Playground Leaders:





Our Eco-Council Member:


Our Eco-Council representative is Afeefa. 



Caring and Kindness Award

A huge congratulations to these children in our class who have achieved the 'Caring and Kindness' award for how they treat other children all of the time whilst being at school.

It is an amazing achievement to have earned this award; you should be really proud of yourselves!

Well done to: 



Ayaan A


Ayaan M





Musician of the Month


A huge congratulations to these children in our class who have achieved the 'Musician of the Month' award for their amazing contributions to music around the school!

It is an amazing achievement to have earned this award; you should be really proud of yourselves!

Well done to: 




Fun Day

On Wednesday 17th July, we had a Fun Day! We took part in lots of exciting activities all day to celebrate all of our hard work this year. We went on a bouncy castle, had an ice cream and took part in lots of fun activities on the playground, including using sumo suits and diddy cars. What a great day it has been! Well done Year 5 for all of your hard work this year! 





Behaviour Champion Trip
On Friday 12th July, our Behaviour Champions went to Haden Hill Park to celebrate their wonderful behaviour throughout this year. We all had lots of fun playing with our friends at the park and we enjoyed an ice-lolly afterwards. Well done everyone for all of your hard work and positive behaviour this year. 


Enterprise Week


Throughout this week, we have been taking part in Enterprise Week to raise money for children in Gambia. As a class, we have decided what product to make and sell; our class chose to make slime. Before making our product, we completed a maths budgeting activity, made a design brief, created our own posters and logos to advertise our product and created invitations to invite visitors to our mini market. On Friday, we sold our product at the mini market. Well done for all of your hard work this week Hagrid class; your products were amazing! 


World Music Day


On Friday 21st June, we celebrated World Music Day. Our focus for today was Reggae music. We started off by learning about Reggae music and the history of it. We then learnt how to sing the song 'I Can See Clearly' and created pieces of art work to explore how the music made us feel. To end the day, we took part in a 'Masked Singer' activity where we had to guess which members of staff were performing. What a great day Year 5; well done! 



Healthy Schools Week


During the week commencing Monday 17th June, we took part in Healthy Schools Week!

We discussed what a balanced diet was and alternatives to unhealthy snacks we could bring in to school. Finally we planned our own healthy and balanced meal we could eat!

Some of your meals look delicious Year 5; well done!





The children from Ormiston Forge Academy kindly invited us to come and watch their performance of Matilda. We were amazed at the expert drama skills on offer from the children and had a fantastic day! What a super day we had Year 5!




Eid al-Adha


To celebrate Eid al-Adha, we coloured in some lovely Eid cards in our RE lesson!

We discussed how the festival is celebrated and wished Happy Eid to all of the children in our class who were celebrating this event!


First Aid Session


On Wednesday 22nd May, we had someone who works for the Ambulance Service come in to speak to us!

We spoke about how to phone the emergency services, how important it is to not make a prank call and how to give CPR.

The session was so informative and really helped us to understand what we need to do if someone we are with is in need of help. 

Thank you for coming in to teach us about it!





Speedway Workshop


On Tuesday 21st May, we had the pleasure of meeting a manager, a rider and a fan who were all linked to the team 'Birmingham Brummies'. They brought in a Speedway bike, a miniature stadium, programmes for us all to look through!

Well done Year 5!



Walk to School Week


During the week commencing Monday 20th May, we participated in Walk to School Week!

To start off the week, we signed our name to make a pledge to walk to school at least once this week!


We then discussed the importance of Walk to School Week: how it has numerous benefits for our health, how it can help our mental health, how we can reduce pollution and help people to  breathe better and how important it is to have a lovely chat on the way to school with our family members or our friends!

We then completed a poster to encourage everyone to walk to school!

Those children who walk to school every day will receive a certificate on Friday!


Our Art Inspire


On Tuesday 21st May, we had our final Inspire of the year!

It was all linked to our art topic this term which was all about the Mayas and their sculptures. 

We started the session by revisiting what we have learn this term, next we evaluated our previous sculptures and created a success criteria of what we were going to improve this time! 

Finally we re-created our Maya sculptures!

A fantastic morning Year 5!






Earth Day


On Monday 22nd April, we celebrated Earth Day. This is an annual event which aims to raise awareness of how we can help to protect our planet; the theme for this year is "Planet vs. Plastics". To celebrate this, we took part in a poster competition across the school. Our posters were designed with the key message to stop people littering on our playground. The winning posters are going to be decided by our eco-councillors and they will be displayed around the playground. Well done and good luck Year 5! 



Eid Celebration Day

On Friday 19th April, we celebrated Eid!

All of the children came to school in celebration clothes or party clothes, we completed Eid activities in class and some of us purchased sweet cones and samosas from the PTA after school!

A wonderful way to celebrate Eid everyone! Well done Hagrid Class!


Behaviour Champion Trip

On Friday 22nd March, our Silver Behaviour Champions went to Haden Hill Park to celebrate their wonderful behaviour throughout the year so far. We all had lots of fun playing with our friends at the park. Well done everyone; keep up with the super behaviour and all of your hard work. 


DT - Greek salad

In DT in Spring term we have learnt all about the Greeks. We explored the Greek Gods who lived at the top of Mount Olympus, what food the Greeks ate and used this knowledge to design and make our own Greek salad. Well done year 5, you really immersed yourself in your learning!


Easter 2024


On Thursday 21st March, we celebrated Easter!

We made fantastic Easter cards and took part in an Easter Egg Hunt!

We then took home some delicious treats from the Easter Bunny!

Enjoy your Easter holidays Hagrid Class; you definitely deserve it after all your hard work!




Mother's Day

On Friday 8th March, we made cards to celebrate Mother's Day!

World Syndrome Day


On Thursday 21st March, we came to school in our odd socks to celebrate World Syndrome Day. It is a day to raise awareness and acceptance and for everyone at school to join together to celebrate this!

We have also planted sunflower seeds which we are hoping will grow into beautiful sunflowers!

Our school will then plant them in the garden to continue to celebrate this wonderful day!


World Book Day

On Friday 8th March, we celebrated World Book Day.  The children dressed as a book character or in their own clothes. 

We made masks of our favourite books!


British Science Week


During British Science Week, we focused on the key question:

How can we make our playground more environmentally friendly? 

We researched how to turn our playground into a nature reserve and even designed our own playground!

Super work!





Mad Hair Day


Today, the children took part in Mad Hair Day.  This idea was thought of by the School Council, to raise funds to buy playground equipment for use at play time and dinner time.  We had some fabulous hairstyles!



Chinese New Year


On Thursday 8th February, we completed some activities to celebrate Chinese New Year. We learnt all about Chinese New Year and the common traditions that people follow to celebrate it. Super work!



Safer Internet Day


On Tuesday 6th February, we took part in a range of activities to raise our awareness of the event 'Safer Internet Day'. We had some very important discussions and we have learnt lots of information about how to stay safe online. Well done everyone!


Children's Mental Health Week


We have been celebrating Children's Mental Health Week this week. Each morning, we have completed different activities to support our mental health. We have completed a mental health action plan, identified the positive things about ourselves and thought about our proud moments. 


National Storytelling Week


On Thursday 1st February, some of our parents came into school to celebrate National Storytelling Week. 

We spent the session reading a few chapters from our class read 'Cosmic'. We then completed a range of comprehension questions on the chapters we had read!

A wonderful afternoon of reading Year 5; what a fantastic way to celebrate National Storytelling Week!




Christmas 2023


We had a fantastic Christmas week! We took part in a range of Christmas activities to celebrate the wonderful occasion and to also celebrate the last week of school in 2023!

We had a wonderful time celebrating Christmas at school!

Merry Christmas from Hagrid class!


Road Safety Week


During the week Monday 20th,we discussed Road Safety Week.

The theme for the week was 'Let's Talk About Speed'. We discussed when speeding is acceptable and the consequences when people do speed. We also made sure that we spoke about how to stay safe when riding our bikes!
We then created our own road sign flowers!

Super work Hagrid!

Children in Need


On Friday 17th November, we celebrated Children in Need. We all came to school dressed in our pyjamas! Everyone looked amazing! 

We also decorated our own shirts! 

What a brilliant day!

Remembrance Day 2023


On Friday 10th November we discussed Remembrance Day. We discussed the work that The British Legion do, what happens on Remembrance Sunday and what people do around the country to remember the people who sadly lost their lives in the war. 

We then completed some Remembrance day mindfulness colouring and used this time to reflect on why Remembrance Sunday is such an important day. Well done Hagrid class!




Anti-Bullying Week 2023


On Monday 13th November we participated in Anti-Bullying Week. 

We started the week by taking part in Odd Sock Day! Lots of us came to school in odd socks to celebrate diversity at our school and to promote inclusion. We then all created our own odd sock to remind us that being different is something to be proud of!

We also took part in a lesson linked to Anti-Bullying Week.
We discussed how to be kind to others and that we need to treat others how we would like to be treated ourselves!

We then produced a 'High Five Sign' to remind ourselves how we can prevent bullying from happening. Well done Year 5; they looked amazing!




In our RE lesson on Friday 10th November, we learnt all about Diwali - the Festival of Light! We spoke all about the traditions of the celebration and what happens on this special day. We learnt that during this festival, it is common for people to make colourful designs on the floor in their house, to serve as a welcoming gesture and bring good luck. These patterns are called Rangoli. We had a go at colouring in Rangoli patterns and some of us even designed our own!
Well done Year 5; they look so bright and colourful!



Stone Age Experience at Frank Chapman



On Wednesday 8th November, Year 5 went to visit the Frank Chapman centre to take part in a day all linked to the Stone Age! This will be our History topic for this half term and we had a fantastic day learning a range of information all about it!

We participated in a range of activities such as: making clay pots, building shelters, making fires and throwing Stone Age weapons! 

It was such a brilliant and exciting day; well done Year 5!




Call to Earth Day


On Wednesday 8th November, we celebrated Call to Earth Day. The theme for this event this year is linking cities with wilderness. We focused on comparing our local area with an area of wilderness (Amazon Rainforest) and looked at the impact that deforestation is having on our planet. We then designed a new school playground keeping in mind all the information we had discussed and implementing it into our own designs. Well done Hagrid Class; you have learnt so much about this fantastic event!  



Parliament Week


During our PSHE lesson on Thursday 9th November, we celebrated Parliament Week!
We started off by watching a video about what parliament is, we reminded ourselves of the British Values before discussing about our local MP, James Morris. As our activity, we decided to write to James Morris regarding some of the environmental issues we are having in our local area. As a class we discussed and the focus of our letter was littering and ways to correct this issue. We hope to hear a response soon! Super work Hagrid class!



World Mental Health Day

To celebrate World Mental Health Day, we created posters to remind us about what we could do when we need to talk to someone about our mental well-being. We listened to an introduction from Ant and Dec who reminded us all that we need to 'Get Britain Talking' before creating amazing posters that have been displayed in our classroom! 

Well done Hagrid class; fantastic work for something that is so important! 

Black History Month 2023


To celebrate Black History Month, we focused on the topic 'Celebrating our Sisters'.

We completed a short biography about some influential women, celebrated the culture of these women and explored the countries these women came from. We learnt lots and enjoyed exploring these influential women to celebrate Black History Month. Super Work Hagrid Class!



National Libraries Week and National Poetry Day



To celebrate National Libraries Week and National Poetry Day, we visited the school library and shared a range of poems together. We really enjoyed visiting the library and we cannot wait to go on a regular basis to take out a range of different books! Great work Hagrid!

Languages Day

On 26th September, we celebrated Languages Day. Mr Rauh came in to teach us a variety of different vocabulary in a range of languages including French, German, Spanish, Italian. Throughout the afternoon, we completed an art activity which showcased The Japanese Cherry Blossom Trees. Your work was wonderful Hagrid class; well done!

National Coding Week 2023



During National Coding Week, we spoke about what coding is and we completed some coding activities on Purple Mash. 

The children enjoyed creating their own games! Super work Hagrid class!

Roald Dahl Day


On Wednesday 13th September 2023, we celebrated Roald Dahl Day!

We learnt lots of fun facts about his life, discussed his books and created our own 'Dahl-ian Drink' for our favourite character! We the ended the session with some mindfulness colouring of his most famous quotes!

Super work Hagrid Class!



mail For help, advice and queries, you can email your child's class teacher at and they will assist you as soon as they can. mail

For additional information on what happens in Year 5, please see the attached information which was shared during our Meet the Teacher meetings. If there are any additional questions, feel free to come and speak to either Miss Kumari or Mrs Bushell on the playground :)!

In Hagrid Class we have lots of fun and laughter! On this page you will find our class news and lots of interesting pictures showing you what we have done.


Important information about us!

Teacher: Miss Kumari


Additional Important Information:

In Year 5, our school day begins at 8:40am and finishes at 3:00pm.

Children can bring a named water bottle which needs to contain only water or squash.

Children can bring a small healthy snack with them to school to eat at break time such as: fruit or raisins. On Tuesdays and Thursdays the children can order a piece of toast as a break time snack for 20p

Your child will also be given a reading book specific to their reading level. We would like the children to read as much as they can at home and record this in their reading record. 


PE Day:

Every Monday and Thursday



All weekly homework will be related to the children's learning from the week. This will include English, Maths and Spelling homework. 
All homework will be set on a Friday and should be returned to school by the following Friday.

Each half term, the children will also receive a homework grid of curriculum based activities. They must complete a minimum of three activities from the grid and bring them into school. We are looking forward to seeing your creativity! 


Reading Challenge:

We are holding a reading challenge again this year! Every time you read, write it in your reading record. For every comment, you will earn a point. When you reach 45 points, you will be awarded the Bronze Level; when you reach 90 points, you will be awarded Silver Level and for 135 points, you be awarded Gold Level!
There is also a Platinum level when you read over 50 books! 

Good Luck Hagrid Class! 


Mathletics, Spelling Shed, TTRS and Purple Mash:

Children can access these websites from home. Each child has an individual username and password. Mathletics is an excellent resource which allows children to practise their mathematical skills. Times Table Rock Stars encourages recall of times tables and Spelling Shed will help the children with their weekly spellings!


Our School Council Members:


Our Playground Leaders:


Our Eco-Council Member:



Caring and Kindness Award

A huge congratulations to these children in our class who have achieved the 'Caring and Kindness' award for how they treat other children all of the time whilst being at school.

It is an amazing achievement to have earned this award; you should be really proud of yourselves!


Musician of the Month


A huge congratulations to these children in our class who have achieved the 'Musician of the Month' award for their amazing contributions to music around the school!

It is an amazing achievement to have earned this award; you should be really proud of yourselves!


Earth Day

To celebrate Earth Day, each year group chose a different country and geographical feature to focus on. In Year 5, we learnt all about Iguaza Falls in Aregentia. We worked in groups to find out lots about the tourist attractions there, the seasons, the climate and the wildlife. We created eye-catching informative posters and then presented our findings to the class.


Easter Egg Hunt

On Friday 31st March, we had a very 'egg-citing' treat! We took part in an Easter Egg Hunt and worked together as a team to see if we could find all of the Easter Eggs!


World Book Day

To start our celebrations for World Book Day, Year 5 had a lovely afternoon on Thursday 2nd March listening to a live storyteller read the magical story: The Bookkeeper. We joined hundreds of other primary schools across the country to enjoy this story together.


On Friday 3rd March, we came to school dressed as our favourite book characters to celebrate World Book Day. The whole class looked amazing and we were really impressed with the effort everyone had gone to. 



During the day, Year 5 completed a range of activities related to our current class read: Stig of the Dump. We designed a new front cover for the book, created some Stone Age drawings and worked as a team to make cave out of spaghetti and sweets. 


What a fantastic day; well done Year 5!



Children's Mental Health Week

On Friday 10th February, we celebrated Children's Mental Health Week. The theme was 'Let's Connect'. We spoke about how we are connected to each other in a number of different ways and created a paper chain in our tables to demonstrate this.



Safer Internet Day

On Tuesday 7th February, it was Safer Internet Day! During our computing lesson this week, we designed beautiful posters about how to be safe online, completed an A-Z of all of the aspects of the internet and social media and then we wrote down any questions or worries we had about being online. Well done Hagrid class; your posters looked amazing!



Chinese New Year

In our RE lesson this week, we celebrated Chinese New Year! We learnt all about the special time and researched information about the 'Year of the Rabbit'. We then created some rabbit artwork. Well done, Hagrid Class! Your rabbit sketches were amazing! 

Christmas 2022

Christmas Week 2022 has been amazing! We have completed so many different Christmas activities and had the most fantastic week!

Here is what we got up to:

*We took part in Christmas Jumper Day and raised a fantastic amount of money for charity

*We had breakfast with Santa and watched Nativity 

*We made amazing Christmas cards

*We had a fun-filled Christmas STEM afternoon where we made water rafts, paper trees and paper chains

*We made fantastic Christmas calendars

*We used pipe cleaners to make a range of Christmas crafts for the Christmas tree

*We had the most joyful afternoon singing Christmas songs in our Carol Concert

*We had a brilliant Christmas party with games and food

*We finished the week with a Christmas Winter Wonderland disco in the hall with the PTA

A fantastic week Year 5 and an amazing end to our first term!

Have the best Christmas holidays! See you in January!

Harry Meredith: Football Rising Stars

On Wednesday 23rd November, we participated in a Zoom webinar with Harry Meredith to discuss his new books!

We played a game first where we had to guess the footballer, we listened to a paragraph from his book about Marcus Rashford and then we had a question-and-answer session where we learnt lots about his inspiration and how he became an author!

A fantastic session; well done Year 5!

Anti-Bullying Week

On Friday 25th November, we took part in a lesson linked to Anti-Bullying Week.
We discussed how to be kind to others and that we need to treat others how we would like to be treated ourselves!

We then produced a 'High Five Sign' to remind ourselves how we can prevent bullying from happening. Well done Year 5; they looked amazing!


World Cup: England vs Iran

On Monday 21st November, we watched the first England match of the World Cup 2022. We went into the hall and watched it on the big screen! Some children also stayed in the classroom and created lots and lots of World Cup crafts to celebrate the World Cup.

Well done everyone; what a brilliant afternoon of sport! 


Children in Need

On Friday 18th November, we celebrated Children in Need. We all came to school dressed in Pudsey merchandise or spots! Everyone looked amazing! 

We decorated bookmarks and lollipop holders to take home! They looked fantastic!

What a brilliant day! 


Road Safety Week

On Wednesday 16th November, we completed an activity to learn all about how to be safe on and around the roads. We looked at the different road signs and then played an interactive game to see if we could guess the correct sign!

We then created our 'Road Sign Flower' to remind us how to keep safe on the roads!

Fantastic work Year 5!


Parliament Week

On Tuesday 15th November, we participated in a lesson all about parliament, the government and prime ministers to celebrate UK Parliament Week. We watched a video all about how parliament works and then discussed the most recent prime ministers of our country!

We also had our very own democratic vote to choose two school councillors and an eco-council member! A huge congratulations to the winners of the class vote! 



Odd Socks Day for Anti-Bullying Week

On Monday 14th November, we all wore odd socks to school for Anti-Bullying Week. We watched a video in assembly all about good friendships and listened to the anti-bullying song!

Well done Year 5; your odd socks looked brilliant!  


In our RE lesson on Wednesday 2nd November, we learnt all about Diwali - the Festival of Light! We spoke all about the traditions of the celebration and what happens on this special day. We learnt that during this festival, it is common for people to make colourful designs on the floor in their house, to serve as a welcoming gesture and bring good luck. These patterns are called Rangoli. We had a go at colouring in Rangoli patterns and some of us even designed our own!
Well done Year 5; they look so bright and colourful!

Stone Age Experience at Frank Chapman

On Monday 31st October, Year 5 went to visit the Frank Chapman centre to take part in a day all linked to the Stone Age! This will be our History topic for this half term and we had a fantastic day learning a range of information all about it!

We participated in a range of activities such as: making clay pots, building shelters, making fires and throwing Stone Age weapons! 

It was such a brilliant and exciting day; well done Year 5!

Black History Month

To celebrate Black History Month, we discussed and looked at a range of key figures from Black History who had an impact in how people were treated. We found out that these key figures did so many amazing things to ensure that everyone was treated equally!

We then looked at our key figure, Guion Bluford, who was the first African American person to go into space with NASA!

We researched key facts about him and then wrote them up on his space shuttle!

Fantastic work Year 5!

On Thursday 20th October, we all came to school dressed in red clothes to support the campaign 'To Show a Red Card to Racism'. 
Here we are all in our red clothes! Well done for supporting the cause Year 5!


World Mental Health Day

On Friday 14th October, we celebrated World Mental Health Day!

We discussed what mental health means and how we can use different methods to help us to stay positive when we need to the most!

We created a profile of ourselves with our faces on one side and everything we love to do on the other side! This was to remind us that when we are feeling low, we can complete one of our favourite activities to help us to feel calm and happy again!

Well done Year 5; they look fantastic!

Haden Hill's 100th Birthday

To celebrate Haden Hill turning 100 on 21st October 2022, Year 5 children were given the fantastic opportunity to work with an artist who came into school to deliver a very exciting project. The children were asked to design and create banners which will then be used to decorate the Haden Hill House Musuem on this very special occasion. Well done Year 5; you all worked really hard!



Children's University

This year, Year 5 are starting Children's University!

This is where additional activities that we do outside of school can earn us stamps so that we can achieve different awards and graduate from the Children's University!

We all achieved our first stamp today from a Lego STEM club where we built our own university!
A fantastic way to achieve your first stamp Year 5, let's keep it up!

Languages Day

On Monday 26th September, we celebrated Languages Day!

We went into the hall and learnt a range of languages all linked to different objects!

We learnt the French, Spanish, Italian, German, Swedish and Deutsch words for elephant, banana, reading books, mouse, house, computer, apple, school, orange, dog, cat and writing books! We then completed a sheet to show the new words that we learnt!

During the afternoon, we learnt some Japanese words and looked into how symbolic the cherry blossom trees are in the country. We created our own cherry blossom trees and put them up on display! 

Well done Year 5! A fantastic Languages Day!



Hagrid Class 2021 - 2022


In Hagrid Class we have lots of fun and laughter! On this page you will find our class news and lots of interesting pictures showing you what we have done.


Important information about us!

Teacher: Miss Pike

LSP: Miss Foster


Additional Important Information:

 In Year 5, our school day begins at 8:50am and finishes at 3:00pm.

 Children can bring a named water bottle which needs to contain only water or squash.

 There will not be any toast provided at break time however children can bring a small snack with them to school to eat at break time such as: fruit or raisins.

 The children can come to school on a Tuesday and Thursday dressed in their PE kit with suitable footwear. PE will be outside on the playground.



Thank you so much for your continued support. 



PE Days:

Every Tuesday and Thursday 




Homework will be sent out every Friday and it is due back in the following Friday. There will be one maths activity and one English activity every week.



Mathletics, Times Table Rockstars, Spelling Shed and Purple Mash:


Children can access these websites from home. Each child has an individual username and password. Mathletics is an excellent resource which allows children to practise their mathematical skills.



School Council:

Our School Council representatives are...



Eco Council:

Our Eco Council representative is James! Well done James for delivering a fantastic speech and getting voted for this important role!







Every week, we celebrate our successes by having a Writer of the Week, Maths Mind, Sports Player and a VIP!

Our congratulations this week goes to...


VIP - Faizan


Maths Mind - Mia



Writer of the Week - Zayd



Sports Player of the Week - Zunairah



Important dates for your diary:




Celebrating our AMAZING Homework Achievements

Year 5 Class Assembly

Click the link below and watch the children answer our key question: What happens in space?

Fun Day

On Friday 17th July, Reddal Hill participated in Fun Day to celebrate all of the hard work the children have put in during this academic year. Year 5 enjoyed watching a film, doing some colouring, having an ice-cream, climbing on the wall bars, going on the bouncy castles, competing in sumo-wrestling suits and playing on the racing cars.

We all had such an amazing day; well done Year 5!

Healthy Eating Week

On Friday 17th June, we completed a healthy eating activity to remind ourselves about the importance of eating healthy, staying hydrated and participating in exercise. We looked at the Eat Well Plate and designed a meal which was healthy, balanced and delicious!


Bug Hotel Workshop


On Friday 10th June, we made our own 'bug hotel' in an eco workshop. We completed lots of eco related games and got the opportunity to make our own bug hotels. We can't wait to put these in our gardens!

Queen's Jubilee Party

Attendance Award Afternoon

 On Friday, we enjoyed a film and popcorn afternoon because we won the attendance award for the spring term. Well done Hagrid class!


Children's University
On Tuesday 3rd May, Year 5 had the amazing opportunity to spend the day finding out what it is like to be a university  student as part of the Children’s University programme. We explored the Wolverhampton campus and saw different lecture rooms, sport facilities, the canteen and the student’s union. 


We took part in two different activities throughout the day. We had a Lego workshop where we found out about a range of different university buildings such as academic buildings, the library, the sport centre, the student’s union and halls of residence. We then recreated these buildings using Lego to create a Lego University. 






We then completed a STEM activity all about virus and diseases. We learnt about the different ways in which viruses and diseases spread and what we can do to prevent them from spreading. We looked at how germs can easily spread through the use of touch and talked about the importance of washing hands frequently and thoroughly. 






We all had a fantastic day and it sparked a lot of inspiration and aspiration for our future.




Year 5 made some lovely Easter cards for their families this week.
Take a look at some of them below!

Ancient Greek Day

On Thursday 7th April, Year 5 had a very special visitor who taught us loads of interesting, exciting and fun information all about the Ancient Greeks to round up our history topic. We took part in an interactive Greek myth and solved challenging puzzles in groups. We then hunted for fun facts which were hidden around the hall to answer comprehension questions about what Ancient Greek life was like. Finally, we took part in some Olympic Games and competed against each other. We all had a fantastic day; well done Year 5!


On Thursday 4th November we recognised the celebration of Diwali. We learnt about rangoli patterns which are bright, colourful and beautiful designs. They are placed to welcome the Hindu Goddess Lakshmi - the goddess of wealth - to your house and are thought to bring good luck.

Have a look at the super rangoli patterns we created below.



Show Racism the Red Card!


On Friday 22nd October, we all wore red to school to support the charity 'Show Racism the Red Card!'

It is a brilliant cause to recognise and support so well done everyone for taking part!

Behaviour Champion Trip

On Tuesday 19th October, we took the behaviour champions on a trip to Haden Hill. We had a brilliant time playing, climbing, having fun with our friends. It was a fantastic way to celebrate the amazing behaviour of these children last year.



Black History Month

October is Black History Month. We spent some time learning about a range of inspirational black people and what impact their actions have had on the world. We researched Rosa Parks, Barack Obama and Mae Jemison. Have a look at some of our fantastic posters we created below celebrating these amazing people.

