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Parent Support Advisor

Hello my name is Juliann Nisbet, I am the Parent Support Advisor at Reddal Hill Primary School. My role in school is to help support parents by offering advice and guidance on any issues you may have, such as concerns around behaviour, attendance, finances etc. I can signpost you to any specialist services or agencies you may need to access and provide information about services in the local area. I can support you with any contact you may have with other professionals or agencies. I am aware that the effects of the pandemic and subsequent lockdowns have had a huge impact on our community and families, there may be a number of issues our parents need support with or it could just be that you need a listening ear and someone to talk about your worries with.


As a mum myself I understand how difficult parenting can sometimes be and how at times we need that little bit of extra support so please do come and speak to me if you need any advice or support. I am in school every Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. You will find me either on the gate or on the playground each day before and after school. You can also contact me through the school office or by phone on 01384 569 053.                                           

Uniform Bank

I hold a small amount of used uniform in school. If anybody is in need of any uniform please see me and I will do my best to help. If anybody has any outgrown uniform that they no longer need please feel free to bring it into school for us to use. 

Black Country Foodbank

Reddal Hill Primary School are voucher holders for Black Country Food Bank, please come and see me if you need a voucher.


Our local food banks are Holy Trinity Church, Community Link Cradley Heath and Brickhouse Community Foodbank. 

Holy Trinity Church Foodbank is open on Monday 10-12pm. 

Community Link Foodbank is open Thursday afternoons 1-3pm. 

Brickhouse Community Foodbank is open twice a week on Tuesday 10 - 12pm and Friday 10-12pm. 

Information about changes to Universal Credit.

Family fun club

Multiply - Free numeracy program for parents 


Multiply is a new government-funded programme to help adults access free numeracy and financial literacy courses to build confidence and skills with numbers for everyday life and in the workplace. This covers topics such as budgeting, debt, benefits and savings, managing your money more effectively and maximising your income.

The training is absolutely free for anyone participating on the course and the course is also adaptable to the needs of those taking part. Anyone interested can register using the details on the poster or see me in school. 



Free Parent Tutoring Opportunity

Secondary Applications 

You can now apply for a secondary school place for children due to start Year 7 in September 2025. If you would like any support in making this application please contact me and I can support you through the process. The closing date for application is 31st October. Please ensure you have applied by this date. Any applications made after this date will be considered late and may mean you will not be offered your school preference. 


Reception Applications

If your child is due to start Reception in September 2025 then you can now apply for a school place online. All applications need to be made online and by 15th January 2025. If you would like some support in completing the application please come and see me. 

Sandwell Healthy Minds

Sandwell Healthy Minds is a therapy service that provides support for people experiencing mental health issues such as depression, anxiety and stress. The service is open to anyone over the age of 16 with a Sandwell GP. There is also specialist maternal mental health support for anyone who is currently pregnant or has recently had a baby. Please see links below for more information.  

Child Online Safety Extremism Awareness Guidance Booklet

Devised by Sandwell’s Prevent Team, a new guide for parents /carers has been launched to help keep children safe online and to stop them being targeted by extremist material. The guide covers apps and games, social media platforms, message boards, fake news and clickbait.

Child Online Safety Extremism Awareness Guidance
