Home Page

Year 3 - Dobby



Hello and welcome to our class page!

Teachers: Miss Hannington

LSPs: Mrs Begum 


On this page you will find our class news and lots of interesting pictures showing you what we have been getting up to. We look forward to an exciting academic year! smiley


Important Diary Dates:  

*Frank Chapman - 5th July





Toast is available to Year 3 children on Mondays and Wednesdays for 20p. Children should hand their money to their class teachers during registration time. 


PE Days

During Spring 1our PE days are Monday and Thursday

*Please ensure PE kits are in school at the beginning of each half term. 



Homework will be given to the children on a Friday and will be due back to school every Wednesday. Children will also have spellings to learn each week and will be tested on these every Friday. A half termly homework grid will be given out at the beginning of each half term. 



Your child will be given a reading book specific to their reading level. We would like the children to read as much as they can at home and record this in their reading record. Books will be changed on a weekly basis. 



Additional information

 Our school day begins at 8:50am and finishes at 3:00pm.

 Children can bring a named water bottle which needs to contain only water or squash.


School Council

Our School Council representatives are...

Mahek and Omar!! smiley



Eco Council

Our Eco Council representative is...

Acer! smiley





If there are any queries, please email the class email address on

Thank you for your continued support :). 

Ukulele Concert 

On Tuesday 25th June, we performed in a ukulele concert. We have spent the past year learning how to play different chords, notes and songs with Mr Brennan. Our parents came to watch and we showcased our favourite pieces from the year. It was a super concert, well done Dobby! 



World Music Day! 

On Friday 21st June, we celebrated World Music Day. We began the afternoon by focusing on the history and fundamental elements of the genre Disco. We then learnt the song 'Staying Alive' by the Bee Gees. Afterwards, we played 'The Masked Singer' and we had to guess which members of staff were singing or playing instruments! We ended the afternoon by making our own disco balls out of paper plates and tin foil!  :) 




To celebrate Eid al-Adha, we created wonderful Eid cards and lanterns in our RE lesson!

We discussed how the festival is celebrated and wished Happy Eid to all of the children in our class who were celebrating this event! Happy Eid al-Adha to everyone celebrating! 

First Aid

On Thursday 23rd May, we had a visitor who worked for the Ambulance Service come in to speak to us! We spoke about how to phone the emergency services, how important it is to not make a prank call. At the end of the session we got to act out our own scenarios! The session was very informative and really helped us to understand what we need to do if someone we are with is in need of help. smiley


On Tuesday 21st May, we participated in a Speedway walk all about the history of Speedway. We met a manager, a rider and a fan who were all linked to the team 'Birmingham Brummies'. They brought in a Speedway bike, a miniature stadium, programmes for us all to look through! We had so much fun asking the team some questions! 

Walk to school week! 


During the week commencing Monday 20th May, we participated in Walk to School Week! We pledged to walk to school at least once this week. Those children who walk to school every day will receive a certificate!


INSPIRE- Science 

In Science this half term we have been learning about the human body. Therefore, in our creative inspire session, we made a clay model of the human skeleton and labelled it with the names of the different bones. Our parents helped us with this but we did get a little messy in the process!!




In PE this term, we are learning how to play rounders. We enjoyed having a go at learning how to be fielders and catching some of our friends out! 

Science- Animals including humans

This week in Science, we started our new unit- Animals including humans. We were given a cut out skeleton and had to put it back together. We had a really good try! 


On Monday 22nd April, we celebrated Earth Day. This is an annual event which aims to raise awareness of how we can help to protect our planet; the theme for this year is "Planet vs. Plastics". To celebrate this, we took part in a poster competition across the school. Our posters were designed with the key message to stop people littering on our playground. The winning posters are going to be decided by our eco-councillors and they will be displayed around the playground!





This week we celebrated EID! We made cards for our family and friends to wish them a happy and healthy Eid. 


This half term, in science, we are learning all about light. In our first lesson, we investigated how light travels. We shone a light through paper and used a hole in the paper to see how we can make the light travel further.


This half term in year 3, we are very lucky to have the gymnastics coach teaching us. In our first lesson we learned all about the stretching positions that we will be using to start and finish our rolls. 

We then learned how to complete a log roll, egg roll and a forward roll.



Selly Manor

To help us introduce our new history topic learning all about the Tudors, we visited the lovely Selly Manor museum. 

Whilst there, we learned all about what the Tudors would have wore and how Tudors greeted eachother. 

We also got the chance to play with a range of different Tudor toys. We learned all about how the Tudors made their houses. 

Mad Hair Day! 

Today, the children took part in Mad Hair Day.  This idea was thought of by the School Council, to raise funds to buy playground equipment for use at play time and dinner time.  We had some mad hairstyles!

WOW Work! 

This week's WOW work goes to Elena and Abubakr! 

Elena had made her own model of a plant linking to our science unit. Abubakr had made his own kite linking to our DT unit! They look amazing well done to you both! 

Chinese New Year

On Friday 9th February, we completed some activities to celebrate Chinese New Year. We learnt all about Chinese New Year and the common traditions that people follow to celebrate it. We then created our own dragon to celebrate this event. Well done Year 3; your work looks lovely!


Safer Internet Day

On Wednesday 7th February, we took part in a range of activities to raise our awareness of the event 'Safer Internet Day'. We thought about how technology has changed throughout the years. We had some very important discussions and we have learnt lots of information about how to stay safe online. Well done everyone!



Children's Mental Health Week

In our PSHE lesson this week, we have been celebrating Children's Mental Health Week by focusing on the theme 'My Voice Matters'. We have completed different activities to support our mental health. Well done Year 3!

National Storytelling Week! 

During our INSPIRE session this week, we used the opportunity to read with our parents! We showed our parents how we use Serial Mash at school and how we can now use it at home too. Some of our parents read us a story too! We had lots of fun and can't wait to keep on reading at home! 


During ukulele we have been learning Beethoven's 5th Symphony. Today we had a go at using the 'improvise sandwich' and making up our own single string notes whilst using 7Am notes to open and close the song! 

Perfect Plants!

Our science unit for this term is Plants! Today we enjoyed making our own plant out of playdough and having a go at labelling the different parts! 

Making Bread!

During DT this term our focus was Healthy Pizza. Today we had a go at making bread to decide if it was good enough for a pizza base. We had so much fun! We worked with our groups to read the instructions to make the bread. The ingredients we used were flour, yeast, olive oil, water and salt.

English Experience Day!

During English this term we have been learning all about the Magic Paintbrush and writing our own story. Today we had a go at using our own magic paintbrushes and painting in the sand!! 



Parliament Week!! 


On the 9th November, we celebrated Parliament week. During our PSHE lesson this week, we looked at what our British Values are and why they are important. We had a look inside the houses of Parliament on a virtual tour and finished off the lesson with a debate in class! 

Remembrance Day.

On Friday 10th November, we took part in a remembrance lesson. We discussed what happens on Remembrance Sunday and how people across the country reflect back on those who sadly lost their lives. We discussed the different job roles of those who went to war as we learnt that it wasn't just the soldiers who sacrificed their lives. 


During our RE lesson this week, we learnt all about Diwali. We discussed how people may celebrate Diwali over the 3-5 day period and we even created our own Rangoli patterns using bright colours. 


English Experience Day!

On Thursday 9th November, we took part in another English Experience Day to help us develop our ideas and vocabulary in our writing. To help us write a poem about Autumn, we described the look and smell of some autumnal objects. We really enjoyed the part where we got to taste the hot chocolate! laugh

English trip!

To help inspire and gather ideas for our Autumn poem, we visited Haden Hill park. Whilst we were there, we discussed what we could, see, hear, smell and feel as we walked around the park.

Black History Month!

For Black History Month this year, we are celebrating our sisters that have contributed to our society.  We studied scientists, singers, rappers, artists, TV presenters, sports people and many many more. We discussed the importance of celebrating the key impacts that these tremendous people have had on our world. 

Our WOW work:

This week for homework, Elena has made an Eiffel Tower completely out of card! Keep up the good work Elena! yes


In Science we have been learning all about different rocks and properties of rocks. This topic includes a lot of work based on the Earth and the different layers of soil. On this day, we discussed how rain and organic matter creates 'additions' to the soil. It can add a lot of minerals that help the soil to grow crops.


We utilised our school garden to discuss how a fallen leaf can create an 'addition' to the soil.

Roald Dahl Day 2023! 

To celebrate Roald Dahl day, on the 13th September, we spent our class read time reading the book 'Charlie and the Chocolate Factory'smiley

In Art this half term, we are learning all about Roman clay pots. We have even started to have a go at making some clay pots in class! 

National Libraries Week and National Poetry Day!



To celebrate National Libraries Week, Dobby class took a visit to our school library! We talked about navigating our way through the books and how libraries are set out, so all books are easy to access. We enjoyed reading a quick poem to celebrate national poetry week and we can't wait to visit the library more often! 

Languages Day!

On the 26th September we celebrated Languages Day! In Year 3 we are currently learning French, so we enjoyed testing our knowledge. We had lots of fun decorating French flags to put around the classroom and attending a workshop in the hall! smiley



In maths, we have been looking at 3d shapes. Today we used straws and blue tac to create 3d shapes. Here are our creations. 
