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Children's University

For taking part in Children's University, you will:

Here are some of the codes for the Children's University Portal.  If you cannot locate the code that you need for a specific club, speak to Mrs. Whitehurst, Mr. Stokes or your class teacher.

If you attend an after school club or have completed some learning at home, remember to add your code onto the portal.  If you have created something at home or completed holiday homework photos can be sent to your class email address.

Children's University Graduation


On Thursday 18th July, 30 pupils graduated.  Deputy Lieutenant Dave Heeley (OBE) attended the ceremony to award the certificates.

Below are some wonderful pictures of the pupils with their certificates.  Don't they look fabulous! 

Children's University Trip

On Tuesday 3rd May, Year 5 had the amazing opportunity to spend the day finding out what it is like to be a university  student as part of the Children’s University programme. We explored the Wolverhampton campus and saw different lecture rooms, sport facilities, the canteen and the student’s union. 


We took part in two different activities throughout the day. We had a Lego workshop where we found out about a range of different university buildings such as academic buildings, the library, the sport centre, the student’s union and halls of residence. We then recreated these buildings using Lego to create a Lego University. 


We then completed a STEM activity all about virus and diseases. We learnt about the different ways in which viruses and diseases spread and what we can do to prevent them from spreading. We looked at how germs can easily spread through the use of touch and talked about the importance of washing hands frequently and thoroughly. 


We all had a fantastic day and it sparked a lot of inspiration and aspiration for our future. 

Half Term Creative Homework
