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Year 4 - Hedwig

15.07.2024 - Torches we made in DT today!

12.07.2024 - Yesterday, children who had achieved silver or gold Behaviour Champion status had a fantastic time celebrating at Haden Hill Park. We played games on the field, played on the wooden play equipment, ate our lunch in the picnic area and then finished the day with a long play session under the trees. We even managed to find the tree that our school donated to the park in 2022 to celebrate Queen Elizabeth's Platinum Jubilee. 

Our Bronze Behaviour Champions enjoyed an extra hour of fun-filled play on the school playground with all of the equipment out.  

Well done again to our 2023/2024 Behaviour Champions. Keep up the great work! 

03.07.2024 - This morning we waved lots of children off on their Frank Chapman adventures. We hope you have an amazing time!


For those of us still at school, our usual learning is continuing. In science today, we used our learning about how to group animals to create our own giant classification keys. Further information on classification keys can be found at BBC Bitesize. 

28.06.2024 - Congratulations to all children on the completion of their assessments. Every child has made progress this term and we are extremely proud of you all. Well done! 

05.06.2024 - We love our music lessons in Hedwig class!

04.06.2024 - English experience day - The Plague!

22.05.2024. What a week of wonderful visits and it's only Wednesday! 

Yesterday we were visited by Birmingham Brummies Speedway, who kindly showed the children some of their bikes and discussed how 'race day' works. There is an open evening on 27.05.2025 which all children have a free ticket for. Further details can be found at


Today, we were visited by a paramedic and first responder to discuss basic first aid; wound care and choking. They also taught the children how to make a 999 call and about the dangers of hoax calls. 

Speedway antics!

Paramedic visit

7.5.2024. As part of our learning around oral health in science, we placed 4 identical eggs into different drinks and monitored the changes in their shells (which replicated our tooth enamel) over a period of 6 days. We ensured it was a fair test by submerging them at the same tine and keeping the cups in the same place in the classroom (same temperature, air flow etc).  The results were quite shocking!


25.04.2024. Yesterday, to support our learning in science, we had the most fantastic time exploring Birmingham Think Tank Science Museum. We travelled on the train from Old Hill station to Moor Street, then walked through the city taking in the sights. Once at the museum, we explored each of the different levels, had fun in the science garden and watched a show all about the human body in the theatre! 

In science this half term we are learning all about the human body. This week, we created our own digestive system! Messy learning is the best!

16.04.2024 - English experience day; testing stroodles! Because the damage to our environment is 'pasta-a' joke!

Welcome back to all of our families following the Easter holidays, and a very happy Eid to those who celebrate it. What an exciting first week back we've had! 

We are super lucky in year 4 to have the benefit of a gym coach this half term. Mr Hughes, from Gym & Sport UK, will be teaching our gymnastics lessons in the hall every Thursday.

Unfortunately, we still have some children who do not have the correct PE kit in school, limiting their ability to take part. Please ensure ALL children have FULL PE kit in school at all times. This must include a white t-shirt (separate to their normal uniform), black shorts / leggings, black joggers, a black hoody and trainers. 

Next week - forward and backward rolls!


21.03.24 - Hedwig had a very special visitor today who brought some very special treats! What an amazing addition to a fun filled Easter week!

15.3.24 In RE this week, we learnt all about the significance of Palm Sunday to Christians. We used drama to act out the scene and ’hot seated’ questions to further develop our understanding.

13.03.2024 - Today, we learnt about how natural geysers work; when magma heats underground reservoirs of cold water causing super-heated bursts of hot water and steam to escape through vents. We then made our own geysers, experimenting with different chemical reactions.

05.03.2024 - Dinosaur nest building! Today, as part of British Science Week, we thought about the shape, structure and design of a good nest, then made one fit for even the pickiest of Dino parents!

04.03.2024 - A fantastic start to British Science Week in Hedwig! The focus this year is 'time' and we will learning all about dinosaurs through the different Jurassic periods, how our planet and habitats have changed over the past 65 million years and about the life cycles of different animals. Today we started with some exciting research into the different theories behind the dinosaurs extinction. 

28.02.2024 - Hedwig pupils have been enjoying the new 'Book Swap Shop' run by our fantastic PTA on a Wednesday. Remember, if you have any unwanted books at home that you'd like to swap, bring them in on a Wednesday!

This year Children's Mental Health Week is Monday 5th February- Sunday 11th February 2024. The theme is 'My Voice Matters'. In school, we have been completing daily activities to help our children feel empowered to speak up and support their mental wellbeing. 

6.2.2024 - PSHE. To put into practice our newly learnt 'teamwork' skills, we had a class competition to create the best 'potato person'! We used lots of different materials, textures and fabrics, gave our characters names and thought about what dreams / goals they might have if they were real people. Very creative!

22.01.2024. This half term we are continuing to learn to play the glockenspiel. Lot's of fun was had today - we're getting pretty good!

Happy New Year Hedwig class and welcome back! The children have all returned with big smiles and lots of enthusiasm, which is wonderful. This term we will be learning about 'states of matter' in science, and volcanoes and earthquakes in geography. For the next 2 weeks, we are studying a wonderful poem in English called 'The River' by Valerie Bloom, which personifies the characteristics of this beautiful natural feature.


       The River

The River’s a wanderer,

A nomad, a tramp,

He doesn’t choose one place

To set up his camp.


The River’s a winder,

Through valley and hill

He twists and he turns,

He just cannot be still.


The River’s a hoarder,

And he buries down deep

Those little treasures

That he wants to keep.


The River’s a baby,

He gurgles and hums,

And sounds like he’s happily

Sucking his thumbs.


The River’s a singer,

As he dances along,

The countryside echoes

The notes of his song.


The River’s a monster

Hungry and vexed,

He’s gobbled up trees

And he’ll swallow you next!

Congratulations to Kenzie on becoming our Hedwig class Eco Councillor. We're very grateful for the fantastic job you will do helping our school!

28.11.23 We made baba ganoush this week in DT as part of our 'Egyptian Feast' making topic. Yummy!

21.11.23 - It is ROAD SAFETY WEEK this week and we have been learning all about keeping ourselves safe and seen on the roads. We understand the importance of wearing visible clothing, helmets if we are on our bikes, and crossing roads carefully. We also discussed why drivers sticking to road speed limits is so important.

Further information can be found at

21.11.2023 - We made string telephones today as part of our science investigation into sound waves!

20.11.23 - In recognition of 'National Kindness Day' on Monday, we have made our own kindness tree display. The children have already begun noting their random acts of kindness on the leaves and sticking them up. Throughout the year we look forward to watching our tree bloom. 

In maths for the next 2 weeks, we are learning to tell the time. If any pupils would like some extra practice, BBC Bitesize have lots of fantastic resources. 


BBC Bitesize - Telling time

Thank you to all of the children who joined in with 'Odd Sock Day' today to celebrate anti-bullying week. All different; all wonderful!

In DT this half term, we are planning then creating our own Egyptian style dish. Today, we evaluated different 'traditional Egyptian' ingredients to decide which we would like to include. Memphis liked the cucumber! All of the children did really well trying new foods, including dates, melon, olives, flat bread and aubergine.

We have been learning all about Remembrance Day, and why this is such an important event. Our Year 6 pupils have been selling Poppy related items around school, which many of our Hegwig children have bought. We have also designed our own commemorative medals to celebrate all who fought in the wars. 

We've been learning about our British government as part of 'Parliament Week' today. How many of these questions can you answer?

Just before half term, we had a very exciting visitor in school to help us celebrate languages day. As you know, we learn French weekly in class, so this was a great introduction to a different language - German! We learnt a song following the story of Snow White with actions and even some drama and dressing up! Great fun was had by all! 

Last term, we celebrated Roald Dahl Day by learning all about his life and most famous stories. 

Mrs Harrold likes George from George's Marvellous Medicine - he's so brilliantly brave to follow through with his crazy plan!

Mr Pender likes Matilda because she's such a wonderful student!

Miss Hackett is scared of Mr and Mrs Twit - his beard sounds too disgusting!

Who is your favourite Roald Dahl character, and why? 

During October, we celebrated Mental Health Day by reminding ourselves of the importance of self awareness, self care and speaking up about any worries we may have. Hedwig pupils produced some fantastic posters showcasing our top tips.

The focus for Black History Month 2023,  'Is Celebrating Our Sisters', which as the name suggests, focuses on the achievements and influence of black or mixed heritage women on British culture. In class, we learnt about Claudia Jones who was the original founder of the Notting Hill Carnival. We then created our own super colourful carnival masks to take home!

Our PE days are MONDAY and WEDNESDAY. Please ensure your PE kit is always in school and jewellery is removed before school. 
