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Morning Work - This should take you around 30 minutes

Activity 1: Write out each word five times

Activity 2: Complete the times tables grid

Activity 3: Complete the kinetic letters accurately

PSHE - This should take you around 45 minutes

Read the slides for the lesson

Activity 1 - Play the chime sound to focus your breathing

Activity 2 - Discuss the photographs that we looked at last week and about how they make you feel

Activity 3 - Watch the videos for fundraising charities

Activity 4 - Use the sheet to plan a group activity where you will think of an idea to raise money for charity

Activity 5 - Reflect on the lesson

Activity 3 - Children in Need Video.mp4

Still image for this video

Activity 3 - Red Cross Video.mp4

Still image for this video

Activity 3 - Unicef Video.mp4

Still image for this video

Sports Afternoon Posters - This should take you around 45 minutes

Have a look at the information linked to our Sports Afternoons and see if you can create an amazing poster that Miss Hackwood can use all around school smiley! Don't forget to bring them back in with you on Friday smiley!​​​​​​

Transition to Secondary School - This should take you around one hour

Activity 1 - Watch the 'All About Me' video and find out all about the teachers that may be teaching you in September!

Activity 2 - You need to complete your All About Me front cover. This needs to be absolutely amazing so make sure you take your time on it!

Activity 3 - Watch the 'What's New?' video and learn all about the differences between primary and secondary school!

Reading - This should take you around 30 minutes

Listen to the audio story of 'The World's Worst Children - Dribbling Drew' and then answer these questions:

1) On what scale did Dribbling Drew dribble?

2) Why did Dribbling Drew dribble so much?

3) How did Drew get up on a morning?

4) What did Drew like to do in lessons?

5) Describe Drew's dribble

6) Draw what you think the Natural History Museum looks like. 

7) What was your favourite part of the story? Why?

Science - This should take you around 60 minutes

Activity 1 - Read through the information about microorganisms

Activity 2 - Match up each microorganism to whether you think it is a virus, fungus or bacteria

Activity 3 - Get two pieces of bread and place them in two plastic bags in two different conditions around your house

Activity 4 - Complete the beginning of your investigation

Activity 5 - Keep an eye on your pieces of bread and write a description of what they look like every day!

As an additional challenge for the day, go on Times Tables Rockstars and see how many coins you can achieve in an hour! Remember, Miss Johnson and Miss Hackwood will be checking your scores to see who will be at the top of the leader board by the end of the week! Good luck everyone!
