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Year 3 - Hermione

Hermione Class!

2023 - 2024


In Hermione Class, we learn about a whole range of things and most importantly, we have lots of fun!

Important information about us!


Teacher: Mr Benningfield

LSPs: Miss Foster  


Additional information for this term:

*The children start at 8.40am and finish at 3.00pm

*The children can bring in a named water bottle which needs to contain only water.

*Children need to bring their book bag and reading book every day.

*There will be toast on offer every Monday and Wednesday break time. It will cost 20p per day. If your child wishes to, they can bring a healthy break time snack such as fruit or raisins to eat on the playground at break time

*Hermione PE days are Tuesday and Wednesday. Please bring in your PE kits to get changed into on these days. 

*Your child will be given a reading book specific to their reading level. We would like the children to read as much as they can at home and record this in their reading record. Books will be changed on a weekly basis

*Spellings must be practiced weekly ready for the spelling test which will be completed on a Friday. 

*Homework must be handed in at the end of each half term. 

Thank you for your continued support :)

School Council

Our School Council representatives are

Adele and Leo




Eco Council

Our Eco Council representative






If there are any queries, please email the class email address on: 

Thank you for your continued support :). 

Ukulele Concert

This week, our super talented Year 3 pupils performed in a Ukulele concert at school. They have learned over 45 different songs this year and chose 10 of their favourite songs for our concert.

They were absolutely fantastic. The singing and playing was a delight to listen to, as well as making both the parents and the teachers extremely proud. 

Well Done Year 3!

Enterprise Week

This week for enterprise week, we learned all about money and how businesses run. We studied profit, loss and revenue. 

We gathered some equipment and began designing and making some friendship bracelets. We also tasted many foods to find out if they taste different if they are from a different shop.


Creative Inspire

In Science this half term we have been learning about the human body. Therefore, in our creative inspire session, we made a clay model of the human skeleton and labelled it with the names of the different bones. 

Our parents helped us with this but we did get a little messy in the process.

Earth Day

The theme for Earth day this year was, Planet vs Plastic. Therefore, to spread awareness of this, we created some amazing posters, with plenty of important information. 

Eid Own Clothes Day

To celebrate Eid, we all came to school in our Eid clothes or party clothes. There were some wonderful bright colours. 


In DT this half term, we are learning about levers and mechanisms. Therefore we have designed and created our own project which has a level and a mechanism in order to create a moving part.


 PE In Summer

For our outdoor PE lessons this half term, we are learning how to play rounders. So far we have learned how to run to score a point for our team. We have also learned just how important catching is to defend the opposition team from scoring a point.

Science: Animals Including Humans

For our first Science lesson, we worked as a team to piece together all the bones in a human body. We then tried to place the names of the bones in the correct place. 





On Friday 1st March, we all wore our clothes and brought a chocolate into school for the upcoming PTA raffle.


This half term in year 3, we are very lucky to have the gymnastics coach teaching us. In our first lesson we learned all about the stretching positions that we will be using to start and finish our rolls. 

We then learned how to complete a log roll, egg roll and a forward roll.


This half term, in science, we are learning all about light. In our first lesson, we investigated how light travels. We shone a light through paper and used a hole in the paper to see how we can make the light travel further. 

Selly Manor

To help us introduce our new history topic learning all about the Tudors, we visited the lovely Selly Manor museum. 

Whilst there, we learned all about what the Tudors would have wore and how Tudors greeted eachother. 

We also got the chance to play with a range of different Tudor toys. We learned all about how the Tudors made their houses. 

Film Afternoon

As Hermione class won the attendance for the Autumn 2 term, we were rewarded with a film afternoon. 

We had a lovely time watching Alvin and The Chipmunks and we also has some snacks.

Chinese New Year

On Friday 9th February, we completed some activities to celebrate Chinese New Year. We learnt all about Chinese New Year and the common traditions that people follow to celebrate it. We then created our own dragon to celebrate this event. Well done Year 3; your work looks lovely!


Safer Internet Day

On Wednesday 7th February, we took part in a range of activities to raise our awareness of the event 'Safer Internet Day'. We thought about how technology has changed throughout the years. We had some very important discussions and we have learnt lots of information about how to stay safe online. Well done everyone!


Children's Mental Health Week

In our PSHE lesson this week, we have been celebrating Children's Mental Health Week by focusing on the theme 'My Voice Matters'. We have completed different activities to support our mental health. Well done Year 3!


This half term in PE, we have had two different focuses. In our outdoor lessons we have learned how to play tennis.


We have learned how to safely hold the racket so that we can perform a forehand and back hand shot correctly. We also learned how to move around the court in order to hit the ball back to our opponent. 


For our indoor lessons, we have focused on balance and how we can hold a balance. Below are a selection of different balances that we have learned. 


In DT this half term we are learning all about food. So far we have studied the eat well plate and discussed the importance of having a healthy balanced diet. 

Today, we followed a set of instruction to make a loaf of white bread. We all had a go and measuring, mixing, weighing and kneading. We got very messy, but had a lot of fun.

Remembrance Day

It is very important that we understand the importance of Remembrance Day. Therefore, to celebrate this we learned all about the sacrifices the very brave soldiers made in order to protect and serve our country over many wars.



In ukulele, we have been learning lots of songs including yellow submarine and baby bumblebee. We can confidently play the c and f cord!


In Science we have been learning all about different rocks and properties of rocks. This topic includes alot of work based on the Earth and the different layers of soil. On this day, we discussed how rain and organic matter creates 'additions' to the soil. It can add alot of minerals that help the soil to grow crops.


We utilised our school garden to discuss how a fallen leaf can create an 'addition' to the soil.

Black History Month

For Black History Month this year, we were celebrating our sisters that have contributed to our society or globally. We studied scientists, singers, rappers, artists, TV presenters, sports people and many many more. We discussed the importance of celebrating the key impacts that these tremendous people have had on our world. 




In art this half term we are learning all about Roman clay pots. We have even started to have a go at making some clay pots in class.


Our new Story in English is called 'The Magic Paintbrush'. It's a story about a girl called Shen, who can use a magic paintbrush to paint anything she wishes and it will turn into a real life object.


This morning, we read the story and then we had a go at painting our own things that we would like to turn into a real life object. This will also help us to gather ideas to write our own story.




This half term in English we are writing a set of instructions. Before we started writing, we had a go at following some instructions. This is what we made.

To help inspire and gather ideas for our Autumn poem, we visited Haden Hill park. While there, we discussed what we could, see, hear, smell and feel as we walked around the park.

While we were at the park we collected many different items that will help us to generate ideas for our poems.

Our class mate Wyatt, had some fantastic ideas and used his outstanding vocabulary to share with the class. He won our writer of the week for his excellent contribution.
