Pheeba Phonics
You can use the clips below to practise saying your Pheeba 2 and Pheeba 3 sounds.
Then, use the Pheeba Flip cards to practise sounding out and blending to read the words.
You can start on the Bronze star Pheeba Flip card, after you can have a go at challenging yourself to read the Silver star and Gold star Pheeba Flip cards.
Bronze Star challenge
Can you practise reading the words?
Have a go at sounding out and blending the words back together again.
Silver Star challenge
Can you play buried treasure by reading the words?
Can you work out if they are real words and go into the treasure chest
or alien words and need to go into the bin?
Gold Star challenge
Can you play tricky word bingo by reading the words?
Ask an adult to call out the tricky words, can you work out which word they are saying and place a counter or object over it.