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Our Art and Design page

We have some incredible artists at Reddal Hill. This page is for you to showcase your work.  If you have created any piece of amazing artwork that you would like displayed in the Art Gallery, please give to your teacher or to Mrs Stevenson, who will photograph the work for the online gallery.  It can be any form of artwork. A painting, drawing, sculpture. Anything!  So, let's see your fabulous masterpieces!smiley


Nursery 2023-2024

The NEST 2023-2024


During Autumn, we used pieces of broccoli to make our own autumnal trees.

The children had so much fun!






To celebrate Bonfire night, we used spaghetti splatters and textured paintbrushes to make our own firework pictures.

We think they look great!








Reception 2023-2024


This half term, Reception began by looking at their own facial features and painted their own self portraits.

The children used mirrors to identify their skin colour, eye colour and hair colour.

All children were so proud of their first art piece.







During our Autumn Focus day, we looked at what trees look like during autumn. We discussed the different colours. The children used hand painting and finger painting techniques to create their own autumn tree.






To celebrate Bonfire night, we explored the different colours of fireworks before talking about the noises that they make. The children used chalks on black paper and scratch paper to create their own firework pictures. 


Year 1 2023-2024

Year 2 2023-2024


Year 2 have been very busy learning all about tie-dye! They have researched the history of tie-dye, designed and made their own tie-dye t-shirts and have even created advertising posters to promote their wonderful designs. They are all very pleased with their end products and cannot wait to show them off during our Class 2 assembly.  Well done Year 2.  You are all fantastic artists!

Year 3 2023-2024

Year 4 2023-2024

The children have studied the artist Jean Leon Gerome to create Egyptian style art using colour washes layered with silhouettes.

Year 5 2023-2024

This half term, the children have studied the artist Angie Lewin, who is a British printer.  Angie uses natural objects such as plants and flower as the stimulus for her work.  the children drew their own designs before using Press Print and techniques learnt to create their fabulous designs!

Year 6 2023-2024

This half term, Year 6 have studied the artist Andy Warhol and his creation of Pop Art using well known faces and even simple commercial articles such as soup cans!  Pop Art used bright striking colours to create his art.



During this term, the Nursery children have been learning all about themselves and their bodies.

We have taught them how to draw a picture of a person and they

have made some amazing pictures of themselves below!


During this term, the children have been learning to name and identify body parts and facial features.  They have explored the work of famous artist, Guiseppe Arcimboldo and created self-portraits based upon his ideas. They have also been very busy creating firework pictures and painting poppy fields for remembrance day.

Year 1 Autumn 2022

The children have designed and created collages based on the artist Megan Coyle, who creates collage from recycled materials.  The children used natural and man-made materials.

Year 1 Spring 2023

The children have studied the artist Wassily Kandinsky.  They have experimented using primary and secondary colours to create tints and have painted their own concentric circles.

Year 1 Summer 2023


The children have learn about the sculptor Louise Bourgeois. They have designed and created their own sculptures out of clay.

Year 2 Autumn 2022

The children have been learning about the autistic artist Stephen Wiltshire, who creates amazing sketches of buildings and cityscapes from memory.  The children have created their own amazing sketches of local building, Haden Hill House.

Year 2 Spring 2023

The children have been researching about the artist and designer William Morris.  He made floral patterns (patterns inspired by flowers and plants) that could be repeated many times by using block printing techniques.  The children have created their own designs using printing methods.

Year 2 Summer 2023

The children have been learning about tie-dying  and have created fantastic designs.

Year 3 Autumn 2022

The children have been studying the Romans in history and have researched Roman pottery, creating their own designs.

Year 3 Spring 2023

The children have studied the artist Vicky Oldfield, who created collagraphs by layering materials.


Year 3 Summer 2023

The children have compared the rural and urban  landscapes created by the artists Lowry, and Hockney.  They then experimented with sketching techniques to create their own.

Year 4 Spring 2023

The children created volcano collages based on the artist Beth Neville.

Year 4 Autumn 2023

The children have been studying the artist Jean Leone Gerome to create their own Egyptian themed art work using silhouettes and washes of colour.




Year 4 Summer 2023

The children have studied that artist Meghan Shimek, who uses weaving techniques to create seascapes.  


Year 5 Autumn 2022

During the Autumn Term in Year 5, the children have been learning about the artist Angie Lewin. The children have been researching, designing, creating and printing some brilliant nature theme prints. Have a look at some of our fantastic print designs below!






Year 5 Spring 2023

During the Spring Term in Year 5, the children have been learning about the artist Leonardo da Vinci. The children have been researching how da Vinci uses shading and toning to create three dimensional drawings. They have been practising drawing some self portraits, drawing facial features in detail and using their pencils to create a desired effect. Have a look at some of their amazing drawings below.



Year 5 Summer 2023

Year 5 have been looking at the Mayan Civilisation in history and have linked this to their artwork by designing and creating clay Stelas and pots.


Year 6 Autumn 2022

This half term, Year 6 have been learning about the artist Andy Warhol, who is infamous for his modern Pop art, which often uses repeated images and vibrant colours.  The children sketched their own cartoon design and then transferred these onto canvas, using acrylic paint.  Have a look at some of their fabulous designs!





Andy Warhol Pop Art

Year 6 Spring 2023

Year 6 have been learning about Beatriz Milhazes, who is a Brazilian artist, who creates amazing collage work.  The children have created their own designs and collages, using recycled materials.


Year 6 Summer 2023

Year 6 have been studying the self taught water colour artist Joe Cartwright. The children have experimented with washes on dry and wet paper and have then created their own watercolour river scenes,

Arts Ambassadors

 On November 2nd 2022, Mrs Stevenson and  Mrs Nisbet took 6 children from Key Stage 2 to Holly Lodge High School in Smethwick.  The children took part in Arts Ambassador training, of which they passed with flying colours!  The children worked with other schools, including children from Holly Lodge, to discuss the importance of the Arts.  They then presented a persuasive argument to their audience explaining and asking for funding.  They did this brilliantly, even though it was a little scary standing up in front of all the children and adults!  The children will help to make sure that plenty of Arts activities take place at our school in the next year and this will hopefully help us achieve the Artsmark Award.



Artist in Residence


Madeline Morris, an artist in residence, worked with our wonderful Year 5 pupils to design, edit and make a banner to celebrate the Haden Hill Centenary Celebration.  The work was so wonderful that they did not make just one banner; they made THREE!  Well done to all the Year 5 pupils.  The banners look great!




Haden Hill Centenary - Artist in Residence

Christmas Card Competition

Well done to all the children who entered the Christmas Card Competitions.  Many children will be receiving a certificate from James Morris, Local MP for entering his competition.  The following designs were also winners at our Reddal Hill Competition. All the designs were fabulous!

Reddal Hill Christmas Card Competition Winners

In Year one during the Autumn term the children have been learning about the artist Megan Coyle. The children made collages of animals using different materials. The children also learnt about primary colours and completed some colour mix painting challenges.

Year 2 Art - Autumn 1

In our Art lessons this term, we have been looking at the work of Joseph Turner. 

We have been developing our drawing techniques and using observations to draw objects. We enjoyed sketching different objects outside in the sunshine!

Year 2 Spring 1 - Exploring print making using different types of media.

Year 3 Roman Pots

In Year 3 this half term, we have investigated how pots were used during Roman times and the various techniques used to make pots. We have learnt how to make a coil and thumb pot and how to add detail by etching or embellishing. 

Year 3 Autumn 2

Year 5 Art - Autumn 1


In our Art lessons this term we have been looking at the artist Angie Lewin. Throughout the topic we researched, designed, created and printed some brilliant nature themed prints. 

Year 6 Art - Autumn 1

In our Art lessons this term, we have been looking at Andy Warhol. 

Lesson 1 - Research and Posters

Lesson 2 - Experimenting with colour

Lesson 3 - Experimenting with colour using technology

Lesson 4 - Producing detailed sketches in the style of Andy Warhol

Lesson 5 - Adding colour to our work

Lesson 6 - Producing a canvas in the style of Andy Warhol


Year 6 Art - Spring 1

In our Art lessons this term, we have been looking at Beatriz Milhazes' Abstract Art pieces. 

Lesson 1 - Research and Posters

Lesson 2 - Mascots from recycling

Lesson 3 - Mascots made from plasticine

Lesson 4 - Designs linked to Beatriz Milhazes

Lesson 5 - Recycling Abstract Art - Our Class Collaborative Piece

Year 6 Art - Summer 1

In our Art lessons this term, we have been looking at Joe Cartwright and watercolour rivers!

Lesson 1 - Research and Posters

Lesson 2 - Watercolours on wet and dry paper

Lesson 3 - Flat wash and graded wash

Lesson 4 and 5 - Watercolour rivers
