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Year 1 - Roses

Roses Class 2023-2024

Hello and welcome to our class page! Our Teacher is Mr Wilkes and our LSP is Mrs Clark. In our class we have lots of fun and love learning new things!smiley



Important Information:

Diary Dates:


*Thursday 13th June- Dudley Zoo Trip

*Monday 8th July- KS1 Sports Day

*Wednesday 17th July- Parents' Evening



*The children can bring in a named water bottle to go on the side which needs to contain only water or squash.

*If your child wishes to, they can bring a healthy break time snack such as fruit or raisins to eat on the playground at break time.

*Your child will be given a reading book specific to their reading level. We would like the children to read as much as they can at home and record this in their reading record. Books will be changed on a weekly basis.

*If there are any queries, please email Mr Wilkes on the class email which is:

Thank you for your continued support :)

P.E Day:

P.E days are on Monday and Wednesday. Please ensure that appropriate footwear is worn and PE clothing is appropriate for the weather as our lessons will be outdoors on the playground.



Children will be given 2 piece of homework every week, along with spellings to learn. Both pieces of homework will be given out on a Friday and must be returned the following Wednesday,so we can monitor your child's learning.


School Uniform:

Please make sure that your child’s name is written inside all school clothes (cardigans, jumpers, trousers, t shirts and coats). This makes it easier to give out misplaced clothes back to their rightful owners. Remember if your child takes their jumper/cardigan off in class, then it is their responsibility to keep it safe!


Mathletics, Purple Mash, Times Table Rock Stars and Spelling Shed:


Children can access these websites from home. Each child has an individual username and password. Mathletics, TTRS and Spelling Shed are an excellent resource which allows children to practise their mathematical skills.


Phonics Play

Children can access this website from home. It is a free resource and will really help your child learn all of their phonics sounds in a fun way. Please refer to the Pheeba sounds sheet we sent home to consolidate your child's learning.



Reading at home is extremely beneficial for your child. We are holding a reading challenge this year! Every time you read, write it in your reading record. For every comment, you will earn a point. When you reach 45points, you will be awarded the Bronze Level; when you reach 90points, you will be awarded Silver Level and for 135 for you be awarded Gold Level! 

Good Luck Roses Class! 



A HUGE well done to who have achieved their bronze reading achievement. smiley


A HUGE well done to who have achieved his silver reading achievement. smiley


A MASSIVE well done to those who have won their Platinum award! Keep up the super reading! smiley



World Music Day

On Friday 21st June, we celebrated World Music Day. We began the afternoon by focusing on the history and fundamental elements of the genre Rock 'N' Roll. We then learnt the song ''Rock Around the Clock' by Bill Haley and His Comets. Afterwards, we played 'The Masked Singer' and we had to guess which members of staff were singing or playing instruments! We ended the afternoon by turning into musical guitarists and designing our own guitars! 

Eid al-Adha

To celebrate Eid al-Adha, we created wonderful Eid cards in our RE lesson!

We discussed how the festival is celebrated and wished Happy Eid to all of the children in our class who were celebrating this event! Happy Eid al-Adha to everyone celebrating

Real Life Maths Week

From Monday 3rd June- Friday 7th June we celebrated Maths Week. We celebrated this week by solving lots of everyday life money problems. The children used money to make and add amounts. On Monday, the children pretended to be customers to add amounts from their piggy banks in order to shop. On Tuesday the children were shop keepers, counting the money they had received from customers and on Wednesday the children were solving real life money problems. A super week of maths! smiley


Dudley Zoo

On Thursday 13th June we visited Dudley Zoo. We thoroughly enjoyed looking at all of the different animals and learning about their habitats. 




On Tuesday 21st May, we participated in a Speedway walk all about the history of Speedway. The children met a manager, a rider and a fan who were all linked to the team 'Birmingham Brummies'. They brought in a Speedway bike, a miniature stadium, programmes for us all to look through and then gave us a little gift of a Cradley Heathens badge to remember the day!



                                                                   First Aid

On Wednesday 22nd May, we had two people who work for the Ambulance Service come in to speak to us! We spoke about how to phone the emergency services, how important it is to not make a prank call. The session was very informative and really helped us to understand what we need to do if someone we are with is in need of help. 


 Walk to School

During the week commencing Monday 20th May, we participated in Walk to School Week! We pledged to walk to school at least once this week. Those children who walk to school every day will receive a certificate on Friday! 

Curriculum Parent Workshop
On Thursday 16th May we had the curriculum workshop. The session was based on design and technology. The children have been looking at designing cars, so the parent workshop was to create a 3D moving car. The children had so much fun with their parents creating cars with axles. Some of the creations were amazing. Thank you all for coming.

                                                                                   Earth Day

In Monday 22nd April, we celebrated Earth Day. This is an annual event which aims to raise awareness of how we can help to protect our planet; the theme for this year is "Planet vs. Plastics". To celebrate this, we took part in a poster competition across the school. Our posters were designed with the key message to stop people littering on our playground. The winning posters are going to be decided by our eco-councillors and they will be displayed around the playground. Great work Roses!

Eid Al Fitr




On Wednesday 17th April, we celebrated Eid Al Fitr. Eid Al Fitr is a celebration that happens when Ramadan ends.  We learnt that Eid Al-Fitr means 'the feast of breaking the fast.' The children discussed how the celebration is an important time in the Islamic faith and shared their own experiences. Then the children created cards to celebrate and decorated some pictures to celebrate the event.



During our PE lessons this half term we are learning all about racket sports. Take a look at some of the skills we have learnt so far!


Easter Egg Hunt

On Friday 22nd March we began our Easter celebrations. We had to go onto the playground and find all of the eggs that had been hidden! We worked as a team and found all the eggs in under 1 minute!  We were then rewarded with a chocolate bunny! We hope everyone has a lovely Easter! 

Behaviour Champions

On Thursday 21st March the children went on Silver Behaviour Champions trip to Haden Hill Park. The children had a great time celebrating time together as a reward for their super behaviour during the first two terms. 

Red Nose Day 2024

On Friday 15th March, the children dressed up in something red to celebrate Red Nose Day. 

World Book Day


On Friday 8th March, we celebrated World Book Day. We celebrated this day by dressing up as our favourite book characters or dressing down in our comfy clothes. During different times of the day we would stop what we were doing and listen to a story. Mr Wilkes read Hairy Maclary and we LOVED it! We ended the day by creating our own bookmarks and designing book front covers. We all had a great day! 

British Science Week


During British Science Week, we focused on the key question: Does the size of a seed affect the length of time a plant takes to grow? To answer this question, we looked at a variety of different seeds and ordered them by their sizes, we discussed the life cycle of plants along with what plants need to survive.

To finish off the week, we used our use the iPads to research facts about the length of time plant seeds take to grow. We were even lucky enough to have a visitor come in and talk to us about plants! To link in with Science Week, we participated in a fantastic Science Show where we watched Biology, Physics and Chemistry in action!

A brilliant week Year 1; Well done! 


Mad Hair Day

Today, the children took part in Mad Hair Day. This idea was thought of by the School Council, to raise funds to buy playground equipment for use at play time and dinner time. We had some fabulous hairstyles! Well done to Nur, who won the maddest hair competition in Roses.




Children's Mental Health Week 

5th February - 11th February 2024


This week, we have spent a lot of time talking about our mental health. We learnt that this is just as important as our health and keeping our bodies healthy. Every day this week, we have completed an activity in class, focusing on ourselves and our feelings. We have discussed ways in which we can keep our minds happy and healthy and have made a list of these. We then discussed what a healthy meal looked like and designed our our healthy choices. We are going to try our best to complete some of these! 

Chinese New Year

During our RE session this week, we have been learning all about Chinese New Year which was on the 10th February . This year is the year of the dragon. We looked at some traditions that are celebrated on Chinese New Year and also looked at the story of how the animals were chosen for each year. We enjoyed making some Chinese dragons and lanterns to celebrate!


Safer internet Day

Roses class celebrated Safer Internet Day on 8th February during our weekly computing session. For this, we looked at staying safe online, especially when playing games. We looked at situations that were safe and some that we thought may not be and what we would do if we were in this situation. This led us to talking about our trusted adults. We also learnt that there are scams online however, we also learnt how we could report or block these. 

Inspire and National Storytelling Week


On Thursday 1st February, some of our parents came into school for our Maths Inspire and for National Storytelling Week. Our inspire session consisted of the children completing various number bond challenges.  We finished the workshop with a reading activity. Thank you to all the parents that were able to join us; what a fantastic way to celebrate National Storytelling Week! 




Christmas 2023

We had a fantastic Christmas week in Year 1! We took part in a range of Christmas activities to celebrate the wonderful occasion and to also celebrate the last week of school in 2023! We had a wonderful time celebrating Christmas at school! We would like to wish everyone a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. smiley

Children in Need


On Friday 17th November 2023 we celebrated Children in Need. The children came to School wearing their pyjamas and they looked fantastic!  During the afternoon, the children learnt more about the Children in Need charity and then completed a range of Pudsey related activities.



Road Safety Week

During the week Monday 20th to Friday 24th November, we discussed Road Safety Week. The theme for the week was 'Let's Talk About Speed'. We discussed when speeding is acceptable and the consequences when people do speed. We had lots of discussions about being safe on the road and how to avoid danger. We then completed a safe and unsafe matching activity and ordered the green cross code. 


Anti-Bullying Week

On Monday 13th November and Thursday 16th November, we participated in Anti-Bullying Week. 

We started the week by taking part in Odd Sock Day! Lots of us came to school in odd socks to celebrate diversity at our school and to promote inclusion. We then all created our own odd sock to remind us that being different is something to be proud of!

On Thursday 16th November, we looked in more detail about Anti-Bullying week and discussed  Bullying. We then created our own Kindness Flowers to remind us why it is important to be kind and how we can show kindness each day. 

A fantastic way to celebrate Anti-Bullying week in class.



Library Visit

On Wednesday 15th November we were lucky enough to visit Cradley Heath Library. During our visit, we completed a quiz about Guy Fawkes and went on a book hunt. Afterwards, we were able to explore the library and check a book out to keep in our classroom. 



Remembrance Day


To help us to remember the war veterans from World War I, we took part in a Remembrance Day lesson. We discussed the work that The British Legion do, what happens on Remembrance Sunday and what people do around the country to remember the people who sadly lost their lives in the war. We then created our own poppy wreath. Well done, Roses!



Parliament Week 

During our PSHE lesson on Friday 10th November, we celebrated Parliament Week!
We started off by watching a video about what parliament is, we reminded ourselves of the British Values before discussing about our local MP, James Morris. As our activity, we created out own tile designs to replicate those planned by A.W.N. Pugin. Well done, Roses!




Call to Earth Day



On Wednesday 8th November, we celebrated Call to Earth Day. The theme for this event this year is linking cities with wilderness. We focused on comparing our local area with an area of wilderness (Amazon Rainforest) and looked at the impact that deforestation is having on our planet. We then made our own Earth Day pledge explaining what we are going to do to protect our planet and we coloured in our own bookmarks and posters.  Well done Roses class! 


                                                 Year 1 Inspire Workshop

A big THANK YOU, to all the people who turned up to support the children in the inspire workshop. The children really enjoyed showing you all the skills they have been working on. It was great opportunity to show you all the different things we do to support the children improve writing and reading in school. Thank you for the lovely feedback as well. 

World Mental Health Day

To celebrate World Mental Health Day, we created posters to remind us about what we could do when we need to talk to someone about our mental well-being. We listened to an introduction from Ant and Dec who reminded us all that we need to 'Get Britain Talking' before creating amazing posters that have been displayed in our classroom!

Well done Roses Class!

Black History Month 2023


To celebrate Black History Month, we focused on the topic 'Celebrating our Sisters'. We focused on the achievements and influence of black or mixed heritage women by discussing information about a range of influential women from over time. We spent the afternoon learning all about Claudia Jones who was the original founder of the Notting Hill Carnival. We had lots of fun making carnival masks and Caribbean flags. Everyone had a great time celebrating Black history month! 

National Libraries Week and National Poetry Day


To celebrate National Libraries Week and National Poetry Day, we visited the school library and read a range of poems. We really enjoyed visiting the library and we cannot wait to go on a regular basis to take out a range of different books! 

School and Eco Councillors

A huge congratulations to Amal and Hasnain who are our School Councillors and Stan who is our Eco Councillor! smiley



Languages Day

On Tuesday the 26th September we celebrated Languages Day. We celebrated this day by learning lots of different saying in French. We then learnt some French colours and completed some activities based these.  We had so much fun! Fantastique!

                                                                 Roald Dahl Day

On Wednesday 13th September we celebrated Roald Dahl Day. We celebrated this day by discussing the life of Roald Dahl. The children then identified some famous Roald Dahl books, before designing their own bookmark and chocolate bar. We then finished the day off by reading Charlie and the Chocolate factory. 


          National Coding Week

We celebrated National Coding week which was started on Monday 18th September. The children celebrated this event by learning about coding through designing algorithms for the Bee Bots to move. The children also designed maps and made codes for each Bee bot to move around in different directions. We all had lots of fun learning about coding. 

Roses Class 2022-2023

For help, advice and queries, you can email your child's class teacher at and they will assist you as soon as they can. 





Useful websites:


A great story to read to your child if they are worried about what is happening right now!-


E-Book Resouce-


Times Table Rockstars -


Top Marks-


Hit the Button-


Purple Mash:



Phonics Play-    



BBC Supermovers!


PE with Joe Wicks


Cosmic Kids Yoga



Other Curriculum Subjects:

Blue Peter Badge Challenge!






