Read to Succeed
As you are all aware, reading books at home is incredibly important. Reading ten minutes a day can improve a child’s wellbeing, improve mood and reduce stress. As a school we love hearing that parents and carers are reading at home with their children.
We have introduced ‘Read to Succeed’. Read to Succeed is a new programme (name chosen by the pupils) where children can receive badges and certificates for the amount of times they read at home.
When a child reads at home 45 times they will become a Bronze Reader and receive a bronze badge and certificate. When that child reads another 45 times they will become a Silver Reader and receive a silver badge and certificate. Finally, when the child has read another 45 times they will be become a Gold Reader and receive a gold badge and a certificate. After that, a child needs to read a total of 50 books and they will then be a Platinum Reader and receive a £5 book voucher and a certificate.