Hi Year 6!
We hope you are all okay and staying safe and well !
The work set for Maths and Writing everyday goes alongside the online videos we are providing. The online videos are to support the children completing the worksheets. If you cannot access the videos, then please still continue with the worksheets provided.
We miss you already and we can't wait to have you back at school!
On this page, you will find all of the activities you need to complete while you are at home!
We would love to see photographs of your fantastic work so please email them to us on our class email addresses.
Also, if you have any questions regarding the learning, email us and we will happily help you and don't forget that there are home learning packs available in the office if you need them !
Miss Johnson: snape@reddalhill.sandwell.sch.uk
Miss Hackwood: luna@reddalhill.sandwell.sch.uk
We can't wait to see you all back in school, hopefully after February half term !
You have all worked so hard since the beginning of Year 6; we are very proud of you!