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Monday 29th January 

Day 1 


We read the story Lazy Ozzie. We had fun making our own little owls using a fork and white paint, We hope you like them!

Tuesday 30th January


Day 2.

Today we read The Tiger Who Came To Tea. We designed a teapot and we have a tiger mask to bring home with us

Wednesday 31st January


Day 3 

Today we read the Enormous Watermelon. The children love this story. We collaged our own slices of watermelon and they are looking forward to Friday snack as we will be having our own enormous watermelon 

Thursday 1st February


Day 4

Today we read Giraffes Can't Dance, we tried hard to cut out our own giraffe and build him back together. 

Friday 2nd February


Day 5

Today we read The Gruffalo. We all loved this story and we especially enjoyed getting messy exploring the scrambled snake, roasted fox and owl ice-cream!!

Maths Inspire

Wednesday 7th February 


Today we had a Maths Inspire workshop where parents were invited in to take part in activities with their children. 

Gross Motor


When we return to school after half term our gross motor sessions will focus on the Kinetic letter animal moves. These moves are important as they help strengthen the children's bodies to prepare them for when they begin to write. Below is the link so you can practice at home with your child. 

We have penguin, lizard, stone lion, meerkat and strong bear (the video will use gorilla) 

I have added pictures of how to hold each move to go along side the video.

If you do practice at home, please send us a video on Evidence Me, we would love to see!

See you soon!

Kinetic Letters Workout

Practise the 5 core positions of kinetic letters

Creative Inspire.


We all had fun making a mess in 'The NEST' during our creative inspire workshop. 


We could choose from making our own playdough, vegetable printing, making a shaker, dancing and mark making!

We got very very messy but we had a blast!

Please enjoy looking at our pictures below and thank you to the parents that came to join in.  




Our Favourite Song!


Please find below a link to one of our favourite songs! 

We hope you enjoy it as much as we do! 

Action Songs for kids | The Singing Walrus

Having fun in The NEST!


Below are some pictures of some of the things we do everyday. We hope you enjoy looking at them!



Growing in The NEST!


We enjoyed decorating our houses and then planting cress seeds. We watered the seeds and enjoyed seeing them grow.


Maths Inspire 


Maths Inspire workshops will be starting week beginning Monday 5th February. We will share ideas and activities with you that you can do at home with your child. You will also have the opportunity to take part in some fun activities while you are with us.


The time and date will be shared with you soon!




