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The NEST EYFS / KS1 and KS2 2024-2025





Teacher: Mrs. Beard


HLTA: Miss Phipps


LSPs: Miss Penn, Miss Mandair and Miss Olajuwan




Teacher: Mrs. Beard


LSPs: Mrs. Roddis, Mrs. Tonks, Mrs. Begum, Mrs. Kumar and Mr. Olu


In the NESTs, we aim to provide a calm, nurturing environment, where all children can learn and thrive through our structured routines and adult-led learning opportunities, supported within a communication rich environment.  Learning is personalised and tailored to each child's individual needs and stage of their development.  




Important Information




The children in the NEST look so smart in their school uniform!  We know how expensive they can be, so we kindly ask you to label your child's uniform to eliminate the risk of any items being lost.  


Children can also bring in a named water bottle for use throughout the day. 



Physical Development


Children in the NEST take part in physical development activities every day, so please make sure that your child's PE kit is in school every day.  Please bring the appropriate PE kit into school in their school PE bag.  This will stay in school and be sent home half termly to be washed. The children should wear a plain white/blue t-shirt, black jogging bottoms or leggings or black shorts in appropriate weather and black PE pumps or plain black trainers.





Homework will be sent home each Friday and should be returned on the following the Wednesday. 



Reading at Home


Your child will be sent home with a book and reading record.  Children will begin with picture books and progress towards books with words, which match their phonics teaching and learning. Please share these books with your children at home as often as you can.  You can comment on the book and ask your children questions about what is happening or what might happen next.  Please record any comments in your child's reading record.


Remember! The more your child reads at home, the closer they will be to achieving their bronze, silver or gold reading awards and will be displayed on our trophy wall in class!


Bronze - 45 reads (45 comments in your child's reading record)

Silver - 90 reads (45 additional comments in your child's reading record)

Gold - 135 reads (45 additional comments in your child's reading record)


Remember! You can also achieve more read to succeed points when you read the books allocated to you on Bug Club! 
