Welcome to...Zebra Class!
2024 - 2025
Our class teachers are Mrs Passey and Mrs Monkton and our LSP is Miss Dosnajh.
Children have settled well into nursery and are having lots of fun playing and learning!
We will be using Class Dojo this year to share some of the activities and photographs that we take part in.
If you have any questions, please feel free to ask a member of staff. Alternatively, you can drop a message on Class Dojo and we will get back to you when possible.
Important Information
The children in Zebra Class look so smart in their school uniform!
We know how expensive they can be, so we kindly ask you to label all of your child's uniform to eliminate the risk of any items being lost.
Water Bottles
Children can also bring in a named water bottle for use throughout the day.
We do provide children with milk and a healthy snack but if you would prefer to provide your child with a healthy snack from home then please send one in. However, please remember we are a nut free and healthy school so if your child brings in a snack that is not then it will be held by the teacher and given back to you at the end of the session.
Every week, children in nursery will have the opportunity to choose a book to take home and share with an adult. Please look at the book with your child and talk about what is happening in the story. Please record a comment in your child's reading record once you have read their story with them
Please could you also make sure that your child's book bag is in Nursery everyday so that we are able to look at a book/listen to them read and change their books weekly.
Evidence Me!
We use this app in Nursery to take photos and videos of your child to record and celebrate what they have been learning.
These photos and videos will be sent home to you through the app at the end of each term for you to see. You can also use this app to upload pictures and videos of your child for us to see what they have been doing at home.
Please click on the link below to see the step-by-step guide of how to download and use the Evidence Me app.
Parent Support
Please see link below regarding better sleeping habits for children.
Oral Health Support
Please click on the links below for information to help
support you in looking after your child's teeth.
There are lots of fun ideas and a story to help your child understand
the importance of brushing their teeth.