Making Healthy Choices
Here at Reddal Hill, we are a healthy and nut free school and children are always encouraged to make healthy lifestyle choices. EYFS and KS1 children are given fruit every break time, and KS2 children bring in a healthy snack such as a fruit pot, or a healthy cereal bar to have at breaktime.
Every Friday, all of the children in our School are entitled to Free Fruit during their breaktimes.
Children who bring a lunch box are also encouraged to make healthy choices and have a variety of healthy snacks during their lunch time. A healthy meal is important because it will help children to:
*Be fitter and healthier now and later in life;
·*Learn quicker and show positive behaviours;
*Maintain a healthy mental health, leading to a happier life.
Packed Lunches
Where possible, packed lunches should include:
* One portion of pasta salad, sandwich, bread roll or pitta bread.
*Cooked meat or boiled egg as a filling in a sandwich.
*One portion of fruit and vegetables e.g. carrot/cucumber sticks, cherry tomatoes, apple, banana etc.
*One portion of yoghurt or cheese.
*One drink water or a sugar free juice.
We also recommend children eat fruit or yoghurt as their pudding choice. However, cereal bars, raisins or one chocolate bar can be eaten. Please be aware chocolate and cereal bars must not contain nuts.
Examples of a healthy packed lunch:
Ham/cheese/egg/pasta/jam/tuna Sandwich or a pasta pot
Yoghurt/cheese squares
Apple/grapes/banana/ carrot, cucumber and pepper sticks
Small chocolate or cereal bar.
For more healthy lunchbox ideas click on this link
Start making healthier choices today and become a Swap Rockstar!
School Nurse Workshops
At Reddal Hill, we work closely with the Sandwell nurses. Throughout the year, nurses come in and deliver a range of informative and creative sessions to our children.
*In September, Reception and Year 6 had their height and weight measurements taken.
*In September, Reception took part a in hands and teeth workshop.
* In September, Year 3 and Year 4 took part in a healthy food workshop.
*In September, Year 2 had a PANTS workshop.
*In September, Year 5 had a workshop relating to body changes and puberty.
*In September, Year 6 had an assembly about transitioning to Secondary School.
DECCA are a Drug Education Counselling & Confidential Advice team who work with children under the age of 18 in Sandwell. For more information visit their website.
Road Safety Week
Road Safety Week took place from Monday 18th November-Friday 22nd November. The theme for the week was 'After the Crash'.
School Nurse Workshops
At Reddal Hill, we work closely with the Sandwell nurses. Throughout the year, nurses come in and deliver a range of informative and creative sessions to our children.
*In April, Reception and Year 6 had their height and weight measurements taken.
*In April, Reception took part a in hands and teeth workshop.
* In April, Year 3 and Year 4 took part in a healthy food workshop.
*In April, Year 2 had a PANTS workshop.
*In April, Year 5 had a workshop relating to body changes and puberty.
*In April, Year 6 had an assembly about transitioning to Secondary School.
Safeguarding and Transition Day
*On 7th December Year 6 will take part in a safeguarding day. During this day, the children learnt about the impact of drugs and alcohol from a person from DECCA. They then spoke about the transition to high school with people from SHAPE and Prevent. After lunch, we learnt about anti-social behaviour and then spoke to a police officer about how we can stay safe online and when we go to high school.
Road Safety Week
Road Safety Week took place from Monday 20th November-Friday 25th November. The theme for the week was 'Let's Talk About Speed'.
Year 6
We discussed when speeding is acceptable and the consequences when people do speed. We also made sure that we spoke about how to stay safe when riding our bikes! We then matched road signs to the definitions and finished with a word search.
Year 5
Year 4
Year 4 focused on road safety where bicycles are concerned as many of our children ride bikes. There was a lot of discussion around the importance of wearing protective headgear and bright clothing to ensure that drivers can see us. Furthermore, we debated the importance of drivers keeping to the speed limit in the local area. After this, the children completed a reading comprehension for Road Safety Week.
Year 3
Year 2
They discussed when speeding is acceptable and the consequences when people do speed. They had lots of discussions about being safe on the road and how to avoid danger. We then completed a safe and unsafe matching activity and ordered the green cross code.
Year 1
They discussed when speeding is acceptable and the consequences when people do speed. They had lots of discussions about being safe on the road and how to avoid danger. We then completed a safe and unsafe matching activity and ordered the green cross code.
Walk to School Week
DECCA are a Drug Education Counselling & Confidential Advice team who work with children under the age of 18 in Sandwell. For more information visit their website.
*On Monday 6th November KS1 took part in an assembly about medicines. LKS2 had an assembly about tobacco and UKS2 will had an assembly on vapes. The children were able to ask and answer questions during these sessions.
Healthy Eating Week
From Monday 12th June-Monday 16th June, we celebrated Healthy Eating Week. The children discussed the importance of a balanced diet along with exercise and completed various activities to consolidate their learning. The children were also reminded to make healthy choices during break and lunch times.
Year 1
Year 2
Year 3
Year 4
Year 5
Year 6
Walk to School Week
Walk to School Week 2023 took place from Monday 15th-Friday 19th May. During this week, all children were encouraged to
walk to school! A huge congratulations to the children below who walked to school every day! They all received a little trophy and a certificate. Well done.
Year 1
Year 2
Year 3
Year 4
Year 5
Year 6
Year 3 Nurse Workshop
Year 3 had a healthy eating talk in the hall with the nurses. They went through the Eatwell plate, spoke about sugars and the importance of physical activity. We learnt a lot and were able to create our perfect plate using the Eatwell plate.
Road Safety Week
From Monday 14th- Friday 19th November we celebrated Road Safety Week. All of the children completed a variety of fun and engaging activities to learn all about how to be safe on and around the roads. Fantastic work Reddal Hill!
Year 2
Year 5
World Mental Health Day
On Monday 10th October we celebrated 'World Mental Health Day'. During the afternoon, we had some great discussions about what mental health is and how we can look after the mental health of ourselves and others. As mental health is all about how we are feeling, we discussed our emotions, the thoughts we might have and how these feelings affect the choices we might make and how we behave.
The children discussed their feelings and tried out different techniques to help them keep calm.
Year 1
The children discussed ways they can improve their mental health and what to do if they feel like they're struggling. They then discussed showing their emotions by using different facial expressions and the children then had a go at drawing faces for each emotion.
Year 2
The children played 'The Rainbow Game' where children had to choose a colour and say something that makes them feel happy/sad/excited/angry. Then the children completed some calming colouring and wordsearches.
Year 5
This children created a profile of themselves with their faces on one side and everything we love to do on the other side! This was to remind them that when they are feeling low, they can complete one of their favourite activities to help them to feel calm and happy again!
Year 6
The children discussed the different emotions that they can feel throughout a day and how different emotions can affect their decisions and choices. They spoke about how spending time doing things they enjoy can have a positive effect on health and wellbeing.
Then the children created rainbow clouds all about us! They used their name in the cloud and wrote down brilliant adjectives that describe them!
DECCA are a Drug Education Counselling & Confidential Advice team who work with children under the age of 18 in Sandwell. For more information visit their website.
*On Tuesday 9th November KS1 took part in an assembly about medicines. The children were able to ask and answer questions about different types of medicines and which medicines are safe to take and which aren't safe.
*On Tuesday 9th November DECCA came in to talk to Year 6 about the effects of alcohol and drugs.
They spoke about alcohol, the different types, the nicknames used for it and the detrimental impacts that too much of it would have on our body. The children also had a go at using beer goggles to see how alcohol affects our vision and brain by completing Maths questions and lock activities.
The workshop then moved on to discussing cannabis and the short term and long term effects on what this does to our body.
A massive thank you to DECCA!
Road Safety
In November, we discussed the importance of Road Safety. We had a visitor to talk to us about keeping safe when crossing a road. The children then discussed all the key things to remember about keeping safe when crossing a road.
As a school, we took part in some online modules where we looked at safety, both on the road and in the car. The children then completed a range of activities related to Road Safety!
Walk to School Week
Walk to School Week 2022 took place from Monday 16th-Friday 20th May. During this week, all children were encouraged to
walk to school! A huge congratulations to the children below who walked to school every day! They all received a book mark and a certificate. Well done!
Year 1
Year 2
Year 3
Year 4
Year 5
Year 6
Nurture Sessions
At Reddal Hill, some children take part in nurture sessions with Mrs Jackson. Every week the children choose what healthy snack they would like during their session. This week they had a discussion all about healthy eating and have created this amazing display! Well done, everyone!