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Sunflower Challenge - March 2024

Sunflower Challenge


On Friday 21st March, we will be raising awareness of World Down Syndrome Day. 

On this day, we have asked all children to come to school wearing odd socks. In addition to this, we are also taking part in a sunflower challenge. The aim of this is to show that we are all the same, but we may grow at different rates. 

School Council had a very busy time sorting the resources in preparation for the challenge. Not only did they set it all up, they distributed the resources and informed all classes of the task! On Friday 1st March, all classes will plant a sunflower seed, They will watch this grow over the next 3 weeks. We are excited to see how many of the sunflowers bloom. Hopefully, we will be able to continue looking after these as we plan to plant them in our school grounds. 
