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Early Years Foundation Stage

Welcome to Reddal Hill




Message from our Headteacher 



It gives me great pleasure to warmly welcome all of the families who are new to Reddal Hill Primary School.  Thank you also to those of you who may already have older brothers and / or sisters attending our school, for beginning a new and exciting journey with us.


Thank you all for choosing Reddal Hill as the school for your child. We are all very much looking forward to meeting each and every one of your children and working in partnership with yourselves, to ensure all of our children have a happy, successful and enjoyable education throughout their time here at Reddal Hill.

Our reception intake meeting will take place on Monday 24th June at 9.15 am.  You will have been given a starter pack, which will include some forms to fill in and return to school, and lots of information and polices regarding Reddal Hill.  If you require any support in completing the paperwork then please do not hesitate to contact the school on 01384 569053 or email us via  


Thank you once again for choosing Reddal Hill as the school for your child; we are very honoured that you have chosen our school to enable your child to grow, learn, enjoy and develop excellence.  We are committed to ensuring each and every one of our children receives an exciting, fun-filled education in a safe and caring environment.


It is lovely to welcome you all to the Reddal Hill family and I look forward to the day that I will be able to do so in person.


Stay safe and well.


Kind regards and best wishes.


Mrs. A Bashir-Pugh




Our Indoor Environment 


During our continuous provision time, reception and nursery children play together in our nursery classrooms.  This provides an opportunity for the children to practise skills or consolidate their learning from adult led lessons.   









Our Outdoor Environment 


During our continuous provision time, children have continuous access to our outdoor area.  We have lots of fun outside.  The children can play in the sandpit, water tray, mud kitchen, on bikes or the climbing equipment.  We also have opportunities for outdoor maths, phonics and writing activities.     









Our Sensory Area


This space is used for lots of different activities.  It can be used for dance and music opportunities, phonics lessons, bedtime story sessions or a quiet sensory area.  








Reception children will start school on Wednesday 4th September 2024.  Reception children will need to arrive at school between 8:40 and 8:50 am.  For the first three days, the children will be collected at 12:30 pm.  They will have lunch at school.  They will need a packed lunch from home or can have a school meal.  


From Monday 9th September 2024, reception children will attend full time.  


