Lilies Class 2024-2025
Hello and welcome to our class page! Our class teacher is Mrs Fazey and our LSP is Mrs Clark. In our class we have lots of fun and love learning new things! On this page you will find information about our class. This year, we will be using Class Dojo to share some of the additional activities that we are taking part it.
If there are any additional questions, feel free to come and speak to either Mrs Fazey or Mrs Clark on the playground.
Important Information:
School Uniform:
Please make sure that your child’s name is written inside all school clothes (cardigans, jumpers, trousers, t shirts and coats). This makes it easier to give out misplaced clothes back to their rightful owners.
P.E Day:
The class PE day's are on a Monday and Wednesday. Please ensure that appropriate footwear is worn and PE clothing is appropriate for the weather as our lessons will be indoors and outdoors on the playground. Hair must be tied back and earrings must be taken out on PE days.
Homework will be given out on a Friday and must be returned the following Wednesday, so we can monitor your child's learning. If you need any help completing your child's homework then there is a homework club you can attend with your child after school.
Changing Books:
Reading books are changed weekly, but this is not on a set day so it is very important that your child brings their book bag to school every day. Please write a comment in your child’s reading diary when you hear them read. Reading at home is extremely beneficial for
your child. Every time you read with your child please record it in their
reading record. When your child has read 45 times, they will be awarded a bronze badge; 90 reads is a silver badge and for 135 reads is a gold badge! Once your child has received their gold badge, they then need to read 50 different books to receive a £5 works voucher!
Additional Information:
All children in Year 1 have usernames and passwords for Mathletics, Purple Mash, Spelling Shed and TootToot. These can be found in their reading records.
Please encourage your child to use Mathletics in order to enhance their Mathematical progress. Purple Mash is a fantastic resource as it covers all areas taught across the curriculum and helps children consolidate their learning. By the end of Year 1 children should be confident at reciting their number bonds to 20 and their 2, 5 and 10 times tables, hit the button is a fantastic resource that allows children to consolidate their times tables knowledge in a fun way!
Termly Topics
During the Spring term we will be learning about the following topics:
Science- Seasonal changes and Plants
Geography- The United Kingdom
History- Significant Individuals (Florence Nightingale and Mary Seacole)
Art- Painting
DT- Freestanding Structures
Computing- Maze Explorers and
Animated Story Coding
PSHE- Dreams and Goals and Healthy Me
RE- Islam and Christianity
Music- Exploring sounds.
PE- Dance, Ball skills and Gymnastics