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Speech and Language Therapy

As a parent, you can make a referral to the Speech and Language Therapy Team if you have concerns regarding your child's:

  • speech development,
  • language development, 
  • pronunciation of sounds or words,
  • social understanding or social interaction,
  • stammering,
  • feeding or swallowing ability.


Referrals can be made by contacting the Faster Access to Sandwell Therapy Assessment (FASTA) line using the telephone number below.  



For further information, please click the following link: 

Children’s Community Therapies & Nurse Services | Sandwell and West Birmingham NHS Trust (


At Reddal Hill, we also provided an Enhanced Speech and Language Therapist who attends school once a week.  This academic year, the Enhanced Therapist will attend on Monday.  The Enhanced Therapist works within school to provide recommendations for children on our wave 2 caseload, support staff to develop communication friendly classroom environments and offer support and training to enable staff to deliver high quality interventions.  


If you are registered to a Dudley GP, please find further information about Dudley speech and language using the link below: 

Children’s Speech and Language Therapy Service (Dudley) :: Black Country Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust



